announcement (not a chapter)

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Hey guys so first sorry that making chapters from this story is taking a long time. Second thank you for the support you have given me and this story! This was meant to be a joke but you guys are reading this story, comments and voting makes me so happy that now this is a story I love to work on. But let's get back on why I made this so as some of you seem I make a LOT of spelling mistakes and the main reason is because I'm dumb and don't know how to spell 99% of the time or because I start to write at 3am when I know I have school. So I'm going to go back on the chapter and reread my story and fix the mistake I see.If there is some mistake that you see that I didn't see don't be scared to tell me anyway thank you again for reading this story and don't worry I'm thinking of what to do for the next chapter.
Good morning or good night have a good day my starlight

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