First Move.

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Their manager exploded through the whole room revealing the drunkards Jay, Niki, Sunghoon, Jake, and Heeseung. two of them were on the couch two were on the floor and one the lying on the table...

Mr.Jeon takes a deep breath and-"YOU PIECE OF KIDSS GO CLEAN THIS SHITY MESS BEFORE ILL PUNCH YOU ALL USING A CACTUS ISTG!!!!" Junkook shouted at the top of his lungs higher than that if you'd imagine.

 Causing all of them to panic like there was an earthquake drill signal num. 101..

Jay-"Why what did someone die-"Jay panicky jumped off the couch and then ran behind Jungkook whose patient was about to go insane.

Jake then woke up with confused puppy eyes Jake-"Jay is your voice an alarm clock or somthin my inner ear is about to bleed."

Hesseung then nervously added"What brings you here today my lovely and handsomely hot manager?

Jungkook" Want me to smash that empty bottle on you're rock head?" Heeseung then shook his head.

Niki then started to defend himself "I swear they just forced me to join them"

Sunghoon-"Do u want me to curve a duck in your face using a knife? it's free btw"

Niki-"Do you know what the definition and meaning of a joke is?" Niki added in a teasing tone. Jungkook remembers that the two of the members are missing, he suddenly scans his eyes around the room and lands on a certain room.

Jungkook-"Wheres jungwon and sunoo?"

Sunghoon-"dint he sit beside me last night? I'm sure he slept here...

Niki-"That doesn't mean he drank last night, sunno and Jungwon Hyung didn't drink last night including me ofc it was just the four of them.

Jay-" Excuse me? you literally drank last night since you just came to your age(18) you big tall lizard."

Jake-" Can't you two shut the fawk up? and where's sunoo and jungwon?

Sunghoon-"Maybe they're in the guest room?" sunghoon then walked through the guest room and opened the door revealing the two cuddling each other.

Sunghoon-"..." went silent to icy blazing eyes.

Then Sunghoon went to Jungwon grabbed Jungwon's collar and left without Sunno waking up causing Jungwon to wake up from shock...

Jungwon then grabs Sunghoon and tries to take Sunghoon's hands off his collar but fails cuz he just woke up and doesn't have the strength to put up a childish fight.

Everyone is in shock from sunghoons sudden change of mood

Jungwon-" What the hell is your freakin problem hyung? Jungwon shouted at Sunghoon.

Jungkook-"Sunghoon get your hands off Jungwon's collar this INSTANT!"

Heeseung-"Are you still a drunkard sunghoon?" hesseung interupts

Sunghoon then gets his grip off Jungwon's collar and states -"Why are you with sunoo? And what's with your position?"

Sunghoon raises an eyebrow curious how it happened? since Sunghoon knows that Jungwon would never make a move on Sunoo like that, he knows that Jungwon adores Sunoo and that he never saw jungwon make a move like that to Sunoo.

He knows that jungwon doesn't have any feelings for sunoo but the way jungwons cuddle sunoo there's no way jungwon don't have feelings for him. He knows that because they have something in their past that only the members know ofc not including sunoo there.

 His hands were on sunoos waist his other hand was on sunoos head like a couple freakin cuddling after a fight?...

Jungwon-" What do you think?" he said raising an eyebrow, tilting his head.

Sunghoon-" Stop being pathetic and tell me why your hands are positioned like that to sunoo? I know, no, we know that you will never make a move on sunoo? you cleared it 2 years ago jungwon." he said while icy glaring at jungwon like as if he was going to freeze him using his penguin eyes.

Hesseung-"I- You did what jungwon?" Heeseung tilted his head in confusion.

Niki-"ehh? I- Nvm..."

Jay-"Jungwon? "

Jake-"Yeah jungwon I think you've changed a lil bit, you've been really touchy to Sunno lately..."

Jay-"Mhmm... About yesterday, its just you never argued with me if whose who is going to take sunoo? as long as he's safe and with us." Jay took a step forward to jungwon to explain his side. because its been really bothering him cuz they know that Jungwon already cleared it up 2 years ago and that his feelings are not deep and sincere, its just a big brother or a special friend.

'The thing is they dont remember what happend last night.'

....... The Whole Room went silent waiting for Jungwon's reply......

Jungwon-"So? What do you think? I'm making the first move since all of you are too slow to make a move." Jungwon then smirked and left and went to the room where sunoo was sleeping and went inside the bathroom. 


Jungkook-"I- I'll just umm get a water? ahh, no coffee." and ran off like nothin happened

Sunghoon-" HA. First move hmm we'll see about that."

Jay-"Should I do the second move then?" Jay said raising an eyebrow



Heeseung-" OH SHUT UP!" heeseung then went to the room where Sunno was sleeping, walked to the edge of the bed, and sat while looking at the younger.-"Should I make a move too? Sun-woo." he slightly spoke making sure that only he could hear.

Did he forget that someone was still in the bathroom?- Nahh he wouldn't hear it, will he?



A/N: Loee Lovieesss!!!🧡🧡

> I just uploaded some introduce yourselppp part, and I made some interesting descriptions there so please read it because that would be their actions and personalities in the next chaptiess... 🧡

 (AND BTW I UPLOADED EARLYYY!! cuz why not?) Next chaptiee will be on 03/16/2024 orr maybe early than that just depends on my mood mhmm....


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