If His Name Was A Lady's Name What Would It Be?

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What life? Sunno asked in a confusing tone.


Everyone froze in place, just like the scene in (Frozen) when Anna was frozen.

"I- I- uhmm-" Jake stutterd

"I- uhh L- Life- Ahmm- Life cycle?" Jay insisted looking for a good explanation. And ended up having a stupid idea

" ohhh AhaHa- yeahh L-Life watever that word is-" Sunghoon participated in their weird reason. While Heeseung is thinking about how long was sunoo there?

"I was just here for about a min ago when I heard your conversation talking about life things or watever," Sunoo replied nonchalantly, unaware of Hesseung's inner turmoil.

Niki is about to meet his demise any second now, attempting to stifle his laughter by holding his breath. It's a classic case of trying not to burst into giggles.

 "Why, did something happen while I was gone?" Sunno asked.

  Hesseung breathed a small sigh of relief, grateful that Sunoo hadn't picked up on his nerves. "No, nothing happened," he said, trying to sound as casual as possible. "Just curious, that's all."

 Sunoo raised an eyebrow but didn't push the matter any further. Instead, he changed the subject and started talking about the latest episode of their favorite show, and Hesseung felt himself relax a little more. Maybe everything was going to be okay after all.

Jungwon's POV :

I have gone out quite a while trying to gasped some fresh air since the dramatic morning I had, and its giving  me a the mood to be grumpy especially sunghoon hyung grabbed me by the collar and I dint even had enough sleep, but it was worth it since I cuddled with Sunoo and it lessen my grumpy mood just thinking of it. I haven't cuddled with him for a while,  because since I was trying to..... Erase my feeling out of him but I just couldn't and couldn't help it, but keep him for me.. only for me... I may be sound lunatic or obsessed or maybe I am?...

I really don't care about people's opinions or our fans judging us poorly, even if they end up hating us if I openly pursue him. I can't deny it anymore—it's been two years of trying to suppress my genuine emotions for him, but I just can't. I attempted to move on, but it was futile. Unlike Heeseung hyung or Sunghoon hyung, who fear losing their careers, I refuse to be a coward. 'I am determined to claim him as my own'.

For me, Sunoo is worth the risk, and I am willing to be a criminal if that's what it takes to be with the person who causes 'My Euphoria.'

After thinking those deep past thoughts, I saw Jungkook hyung walking towards me as I wave.

"Heyy so... Good morning~ umm You good?" he asked me, he probably wanna lighten my mood since he knows me well that I'm probably grumpy now, since that argument.

"well there's no good in my morning today, as u can see." I answered.  "I really dont know what going on you guys but I know that its because of Sunoo, since Sunghoon mentioned when you guys started a fight." He stated.

 "Its just- nothing, watever" I hesitated. "As your manager and the president of our company u need to tell me whats wrong Jungwon." He insisted.

I hesitated to confess my feelings because I feared his disapproval. What if he forbids us from being together? The thought of him scolding us and telling Sunoo about our relationship sent shivers down my spine. Sunoo's future at risk, what if he gets kicked out because of us? The potential disaster haunted my thoughts as I wrestled with the decision to reveal how I feel about Sunoo...

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