11 | you're so skibidi

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The art of singing is like an escape from reality. Being able to express your deepest desires and locked-away emotions that you refuse to speak of can be really liberating.

Ever since she was little , music and rythm had been her most loyal companions , always being there for the girl when she needed them the most. It was no surprise she turned to them whenever she felt even the slightest surge of overwhelming emotions , be it negative or positive.

Y/N groaned as she turned to her night stand to check the time. 9 Am. It was weekend , she could sleep in.. too bad her body decided that wasn't a great plan. The girl lazily got up , making her bed and turning towards the bathroom to wake herself up with a hot shower. Did it work? Definitely not. She was even MORE tired now.
The girl managed to wake up after turning the water temperature down a little too much , yelping out when the cold water touched her bare skin.

When she finally got out of the shower she felt alive again. The wonders of a cold water!
"Y/N are you awake?"
She heard a voice calling from downstairs.
"Yeah just give me a minute"
As she walked down the stairs she nearly tripped on something.
"Penny why did you leave a... oh an envelope?"
"Yeah." She replied shortly "Open it. Apparently it's yours."
"Mine? Who would send me a.. oh."
Her eyes met Penny's. The tension could be cut with a knife. "How lovely." Y/N took the envelope in her hands and carefully opened it , taking out the letter. The writing was messy , and a quick scan over the text made her realize it probably wasn't worth spoiling her mood reading it.
The girl handed the letter to her friend.
"You read it out please."
She nodded and started reading out loud.

"You selfish good for nothing. You think it is okay to put all burdens on me so you can live your life however you want? Nobody loves you. The poor family that is currently keeping you around just feels sorry for a lying brat like you.
Without me you won't get anywhere. Everyone knows that you're just a pathetic , spoiled little liar that is worth nothing."

𝐍𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 || BLLK CHATFIC Where stories live. Discover now