Young lovers

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In this oneshot, y/n and Alma have been together for awhile but she still hasn't told her children.

Miss Peregrine roamed the garden waiting for you to finish your chores. She was about to head back to the house when her sharp hearing and acute vision caught a faint moan from behind a tree. She went looking and stumbled upon Abe and Emma snogging against a trunk.

The blonde girl suddenly pulled away from her lover, who stepped back at the sight of the baffled Headmistress.

"Miss Peregrine-" Started Emma, embarrassed. Abe scratched his neck in the awkwardness of what was happening. The Headmistress was equally embarrassed, and she felt a wave of a foreign feeling.

"Excuse me." Alma managed to say and left.


Later in the kitchen with you, preparing dinner. You discuss as you move around the room for the task.

"Can you believe it ?! MY children were kissing each other and it was NOT innocent !" She hissed.

I chuckled. "Come on, Alma, they're teenagers, that's what they do ! Plus imagine their faces if the roles were reversed and THEY stumbled upon US. It's the same."

She turned around to look at you, thoughtful, and nodded. "You have a point."

"Oh and honestly..." You smirked. "You've done far worse."

She laughed and trailed off in a sigh.


At dinner, you saw every glance Alma threw to the young lovers. She wasn't quite at ease with the idea, but at the same time you were right and she knew it. If they truly were in love, they could only be encouraged, especially that it would be hypocritical considering your relationship.

She had a serious conversation with them in her study, which you didn't hear, and she finally seemed to have accepted the fact.

At night you went into her bedroom as usual, though you had to be discreet, and started making out as soon as her hairpins were out.

"You're on fire tonight, what's gotten into you ?" She asked between kisses.

"I don't know, maybe today made me feel like it was sexy to keep this secret."

She stopped and closed her eyes like she had thought of something she wasn't at ease with.

"Oh birds, I can't. Not tonight."

"Why ?"

"I just can't get my head around Emma and Abe. They wouldn't be doing... This ?"

You hummed awkwardly, knowing perfectly they would. She saw it in your eyes and whisper shouted : "Oh y/n you don't really think they would !"

"I didn't say anything !" You whisper shouted back.

"Your eyes said it !"

"If you're not comfortable with them doing IT, then maybe you shouldn't be doing it yourself !"

"But they're my CHILDREN."

"Am I not ?"

She looked dumbstruck.

"It's not the same." She said in a calmer voice, still taken aback. "You are an adult. I never even knew you when you were a minor. And you just know how this relationship works for bird's sake, you're not actually my ward."

"Whatever you say, but you're still my mommy."

"Am I now ?" She smirked a bit.

"Ooooh yes."

The night was long, your sleeping time was short.

You woke up with a grin on your face. You had gone to sleep without putting back on your pajama top, so the one and only thing that covered your chest was the blanket. Alma was putting on her clothes and you simply stared at her beauty.

"Good morning. You know it's rude to stare." She commented.

"How can I not ?"

She smiled and narrowed her eyes playfully. She finished getting ready and checked her appearance in the mirror. She glanced at your reflection, still in bed. You felt so good in your skin when she looked at you like that, especially being half-naked in her bed. She turned around to look at you properly before leaving the room. Like every morning, she'd go and prepare breakfast while you stayed in bed a little longer before you had to wake the children up.

After doing so, you joined Alma in the kitchen for the last preparations.

"Did you sleep well ?" You asked.

"Oh yes. And waking up next to such a beauty was a delight."

You chuckled and she added, lowering her voice : "I like it when you're naked in my bed."

You blushed and smirked. "I also like being naked in your bed."

You then took a louder tone, although not too loud, and added, while starting to leave the room : "Oh and when I went to wake up Abe, I saw Emma in the same amount of clothing."

"You WHAT !!??"

Alma Peregrine x You OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now