I hate that I love you

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"Oh god I hate her !!" You had just left the loop after losing your temper with Miss Peregrine.

"She is such a bloody control freak !" You hissed to yourself as you strode angrily on the present-time island of Cairnholm.

You had decided to leave her life forever. You headed to the harbour and hopped on the last ferry of the week to reach the mainland. Then you walked and walked away as fast as you could so she wouldn't follow.

Alma Peregrine, back in her home, was very cross because of the violent dispute you and her just had. The children noticed her bad mood and avoided her when they could for the afternoon. They also noticed you had disappeared in the same afternoon. At dinner, you weren't back and the Headmistress actually started to worry. She hadn't thought you'd leave. She started acting frantically and went out in the garden to call your name. When you still didn't come back, she shifted to bird form to try and find you on the island, in and outside the loop, in the dark. But you had already left.

You were lost in the huge forest spreading after the beach on the mainland, alone. You almost regretted leaving but no. You couldn't think that. You wanted to go as far away as possible and you did. Until you were brutally pulled from your path by an invisible force. You fought back the Hollowgast as much as you could. You tried to pull away from its grip but in the fight you used as much power as you had in you, your peculiarity being telekinesis, and it still managed to plant its razor-sharped arm in the side of your stomach. You threw the monster to the side, where it luckily got impaled by the rest of a tree trunk, but you were now extremely hurt.

You put one hand over your wound, panting and panicking. You started bleeding out so you lay down on the fallen leaves and looked with a blurry vision at the treetops above you. In that moment, when you felt death coming at you, you regretted having left her side.

"Alma..." Your voice was so faint, if there was anybody around they wouldn't be able to tell what you said. You closed your eyes and let yourself go as you could no longer hold on.

Then a woman's voice came up and you were lifted off the ground.

You woke up with a huge pain in your stomach, where the Hollow had pierced your body. You were being transported in someone's arms. You whimpered at the pain and felt the dense red liquid that was your blood all over your belly, waist and hand.

You started to feel and be conscious again. The woman carrying you seemed unknown. You heard her knock on a door, which quickly opened. A gasp of terror came from another woman.

"I found her in the woods." Is all you heard.

You listened to the two women's mumbled voice as you were carried up to a secure room and laid on a bed.

"Y/n, can you hear me ? Y/n !!" The second woman cried. She sounded terrified. You carefully opened your eyes, regaining full consciousness, to see Alma Peregrine bending down over you, her short curls in their usual strange way and her lips as sharp as you remembered, only her eyes were full of worry. Before you could say anything, a sting of pain coming from your wound made you howl.

"Oh my dear..." Her concerned face was actually very cute, you thought. But her eyes shimmered with tears and you didn't want that. She was crying, crying over your state while she caressed your forehead with her soft trembling hand.

The pain stung so hard, your teeth were firmly clutched. Your Ymbryne lifted your shirt to reveal the wound. You saw how she tried to contain her emotions at the sight of the hole in your body. She removed the piece of fabric from you in a struggle as you couldn't move much in the way she wanted you to. You were left in your bra and trousers, your chest and stomach rising up and down as you struggled to breathe. Your arms were tensed up and you tried not to touch your wound so you grasped the sheets underneath you.

Alma Peregrine x You OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now