Wish you were real in this universe

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Do you think we're soulmates in another universe ?

One day you weren't there anymore. One day you were here.

It had filled your heart with sadness, that day. You had tried and tried to come back. Alas, you couldn't.

Since then, you only thought about them all day, every second of every minute of every hour. Some would say you were obsessed.

The day you arrived here was the worst of your life. You travelled back to Wales, hopeful. But they weren't there. No island. No Cairnholm. Nothing.

You looked it up on the internet to find it wasn't real. It was pure fiction. You discovered this work of fiction relating everything you had gone through with your friends and lover. Pure fiction. That had been like a hammer falling right onto your head. They weren't real. Not in this universe.

You started searching everything you could for more information. You read all the books, watched the movie, drew fanarts and read fanfictions. You laughed at some of them. You cried for some. You met people. You met this fandom.

Although you realised one thing : not in any of the works were you there. You had disappeared from their lives. It was like you never existed to them.

And yet you had lived through all that, you remembered everything. Why had you been erased in this universe?

At night you'd cry and scream her name over and over again, hoping somehow the wind would carry this sos to her.

You were stuck here in this cursed world without the ones you loved. You wouldn't sleep so you tricked your mind into coming back. It was temporary, it was fake but it was something.

You built a new life after many failed attempts, found friends, a job, a place. The one person you missed was her. Never was she once replaced. And you continued yelling from this cage you wished to be free from.

You wished you never had the power to travel the multiverse.

Alma Peregrine x You OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now