7. Planning the escape

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Amelia sat and waited while Darius left to go and speak to the doctor in charge. It seemed to take him a long time, but the waiting was good. For every minute she waited, the foggy feeling in her head gradually cleared. She slowly began to feel more awake and alert.

Darius had been right about one thing though, she shouldn't be telling anyone about what had happened to her. Of course they would never believe her when she claimed to be immortal. When she thought about it logically, even she thought it sounded ridiculous.

It was only because she had seen it with her own eyes that she knew it to be true. And the fact that she had been brought back from the dead three times now just proved it to her. And with this cool power she also felt like she had the responsibility to probably use it for good, somehow.

But she couldn't do that while she was stuck in hospital. So her first mission would be to somehow escape. Then, once she had done that, she could probably start thinking about that whole 'saving the world' type of stuff.

Amelia was interrupted from her thoughts by the door to her room opening. Darius walked in, followed by a young guy who was wearing a white coat. Probably a doctor, she assumed, so Amelia quickly tried her best to look sane and normal.

He was cute though, Amelia thought. He looked young for a doctor too. Plus he definitely looked like he worked out. The dress shirt that he was wearing under the lab coat was tight and fitted. She just knew his body looked incredible underneath his clothes.

The doctor walked right up to her bed and stared into Amelia's eyes in a way that made her cheeks flush and turn slightly pink.

"Hi, I'm Dr Stone," he said, in a deep and silky baritone. "How are you doing?"

Amelia blushed even more at the sound of his voice. "I'm fine."

Dr Stone looked more closely at her. "You look a little hot," he said.

"Thanks. You too," Amelia blurted out automatically.

It was Dr Stone's turn to blush. "I, err, no. That's not... I mean, umm, that's not what I meant," he said, as he backed away nervously towards the door. "You might have a fever. I'll send a nurse to check you out. Errr, no, I mean check you over."

With that, Dr Stone hurried out of the room, while Amelia tried to pull the sheets up to cover her face in embarrassment.

Darius just shook his head and gave her a disapproving look. "I can't believe you just flirted with your doctor."

"It was accidental," said Amelia. "Although, in my defence, he's totally hot."

Darius rolled his eyes. "That's so inappropriate though."

"Yeah, whatever," said Amelia. "You're only acting like it's beneath you cos you think he's probably straight."

Darius groaned loudly and threw up his arms in a dramatic way. "Urgh. Omigod okay, you're right, he's totes gorgeous."

Amelia burst out into wild cackling laughter in celebration of her victory over him. "Aaaahh, you so know it."

Darius grunted and sat on the side of the bed with his arms crossed in front of his chest. "Uh, whatever. I thought you were in a rush to get out of here anyway."

"Oh right, yeah."

Amelia absentmindedly looked around the room. She had gotten distracted again. She was supposed to be focused on escaping the hospital. She had to stop wasting time and get back on task. But how?

The first thing had to be getting that doctor to come back. Then she would just have to convince him she was well enough to be discharged.

Also, as a secondary thing to remember, she absolutely definitely could not flirt with him again. It didn't matter how hot he was, she had to put those thoughts out of her mind. She needed completely pure and innocent thoughts. Like a nun, or something.

Though did nuns have pure and innocent thoughts, Amelia wondered. Or did nuns get horny? I mean, they still have the same hormones and stuff, so they must still have the same urges, right? Or maybe their devotion to God helped them get over any carnal desires, she wasn't sure.

"So, anyway... Did you want me to go find that doctor again?" Darius asked, and completely derailed Amelia's train of thought.

"Ah, yes, doctor! That would be great. Thanks, hun," said Amelia. "Oh, actually wait. I can call him myself."

Amelia spun around and hit a large red button that was on the wall behind her bed.

"Woah, you're not supposed to press that," said Darius.

"Why? It's just the 'call doctor' button."

"Errrr, no. That's the emergency button."

"Oh. Oops," said Amelia.

Just then, the door to her room burst open. A nurse came running in, followed by an older doctor. Not the same doctor as before, but he did look vaguely familiar to Amelia.

The doctor came over to her bed and did a quick visual check of her. Then he scowled at Amelia, before turning to look at the monitors

"You hit the emergency button," he said, without looking at her. "There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with you."

It was bugging Amelia. Had she met him before? He did look familiar, but she couldn't be sure.

"Yeah, sorry. I wanted to talk to a doctor," she said.

He gave a deep sigh and rolled his eyes at her. That confirmed it to Amelia, she had definitely met him before. People always reacted like that to Amelia once they had gotten to know her.

"What about?" he asked, with obvious frustration.

"Well, what it is, I want to get out of here," said Amelia. "It was just like a temporary thing wrong with me. I'm all better now, and I want to go home."

The doctor sighed again and slowly shook his head side to side. "Just leave. I'll take care of it."

"Okay, thanks," said Amelia, as she began to climb out of the bed.

"Dr. Norris, wait. This patient has a psych hold put in place..." the nurse started to say.

"Don't worry about it," he said. "I'll take care of the paperwork. Just get her out of here."

And with that they both left the room, and carried on their argument as they went into the corridor.

"Okay, quick. Where are my clothes before they change their mind?"

Darius looked around until he spotted a bag under the table next to Amelia's bed. "There," he said, as he pointed.

Amelia pounced on the bag and pulled it open to find a set of her clothes inside. She quickly tipped the bag over and emptied it onto the bed. Then she reached around her back to untie the strings that were holding her hospital robe closed, before she started to pull it down off her shoulders.

Darius quickly covered his face with his hands. "Omigod, have you no shame," he said. "Can't you warn me if you're going to do that?"

Amelia just rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue, as she grabbed her bra off the bed. She could never understand why Darius was so prudish about a little bit of nudity. But Amelia thought of the two of them as being like sisters, so it rarely occurred to her to show any sort of modesty around him.

"Anyway, it's lucky that the doctor wasn't still angry with you," said Darius.

"Oh yeah, that's right," said Amelia, as she was trying to tug her skinny jeans up her legs. "He did seem like he was already annoyed with me, like we had met before."

"Seriously? You don't recognise him?" Darius asked, with a sigh. "That was the guy with the SUV that you drove into the back of last month."

"Oohhhhhh, that guy," said Amelia, as the memory of that day popped back into her head. "Yeah, he looks totally different when he doesn't have a cappuccino tipped down the front of his suit."

Darius could only shake his head at her.

"Anyway, I'm done," said Amelia, as she slipped on her sneakers. "So let's get the heck out of here before he comes back."

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