14. A different kind of hero

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As the door closed behind her, Amelia was hit by the sharp sting of doubt. It caught on the strings of her heart, and sent shivers down her spine as it plucked them. They emitted an ominous tune that resonated to the deepest parts of her soul.

And not a good sort of tune either. It was more like that lame rock music that her dad used to listen to. Like AC/DC, it shook her to the core, or however it was that song went? She tried to remember the sound of her dad singing in the kitchen, and how the lyrics had gone. She could picture her mum, sitting at the kitchen with a cup of tea and rolling her eyes at the terrible singing.

It was a stupid memory. Amelia had always found her parents lame and embarrassing while they were alive. But that was the thing she missed the most now they were gone.

The sound of more screams dragged her out of her reverie. Back in the moment, she remembered what she was supposed to be doing. She shoved the more painful memories down and locked them away safely in the deepest part of her subconscious. She couldn't afford to linger on them while there was danger around.

She started walking apprehensively down the hallway. She had wanted to rush, but the fear tickled her stomach and caused her to slow down.

When she reached the end of the hallway, Amelia carefully peered around the corner of the wall. She saw the main waiting area was still full of people, but they all looked scared. They had also mostly moved out of the chairs, and were standing off to the side of the room.

In the vacated centre of the room stood the guy with the knife. But he looked different than she had expected. He didn't look much like the weird dancing barista that Darius had described.

The guy was more twitchy and agitated, like he was about to randomly stab someone, not like he was about to start dancing. Plus the tattoos and leather waistcoat he was wearing made him look more like someone out of a biker gang maybe. Basically what it came down to was that Darius was kind of unreliable when it came to narrating things.

But now that she had established who the criminal type person was, the next task was to decide what to do about him. Though after the rather unpleasant experience of being shot, Amelia was definitely not in the mood for experiencing what it feels like to get stabbed. So whatever plan she came up with would hopefully avoid her getting hurt again.

Plus there was still that lingering doubt in the back of her mind that maybe she had lost her immortality power. She was mostly sure she still had it, but not completely sure. And Amelia didn't want to risk her life on a 'mostly sure'.

She took a moment to compose herself ready to make a big entrance. Although, when she thought about it, that was another problem she had. Her big entrance at the bank had ended up being kind of lame. She needed to try and think of some kind of cool line she could shout. But it was hard, she was no good at thinking of things on the spot or improvising.

This would have been different if it was a movie. She would have had like a whole team of writers behind the scenes to come up with all the cool lines. Although she was supposed to be a writer herself, so she should be able to come up with something. She just had to take a minute to think...

"Hey, what are you doing there?"

Amelia was startled by the loud voice, and looked up to see the guy was pointing his knife at her.

"Ah, crap," she said. "Sorry, I was getting ready to stop you."

"What? You? Why?" he asked, looking confused.

"Oh, yeah, it's just something I do sometimes," Amelia said, with a shrug. "I just need to think of a cool entrance, then I'll be ready to stop you."

"What are you talking about? Just shut up and stand with the other hostages."

The Unkillable Girl  -  [ONC 2024]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt