12. Contemplating, and getting checked over

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When Amelia reached the bathroom, she began to slowly peel off her clothes. The blood had started to dry slightly, so now the fabric was beginning to stick to her skin.

Her top was easy to remove, after Darius had cut it open all the way down the front. Amelia slipped it off her shoulders and threw it straight in the trash. Her jeans and underwear soon joined it in the trash when Amelia saw how bad the stains were on them.

But her bra she threw in the sink full of water to soak. It was the one comfortable bra she owned, so there was no way she was going to throw that out. Even if it meant she would be spending the next day scrubbing it with stain remover, it was worth the effort.

She then stepped into the shower, and let the warm water wash over her aching body. The warm stream hit her in the face, and ran down over her before disappearing down the drain as a river of red.

Amelia was still too tired to go to the effort of scrubbing herself, so she just stood there until the water running off her turned clear again. After a few more minutes, she turned off the shower and wrapped herself in a big fluffy towel. Then she headed out to her bedroom to hunt around for her zombie costume.

Darius had been the one to sort out their costumes originally. He had a more natural flair for design, so he had taken care of everything. First they had picked up some cheap clothes from the local Goodwill store. Some baggy jeans and a sweat top are what Amelia had ended up with. Then Darius had wrapped them up in rubber bands and splashed them with bleach and hacked at them with scissors to achieve what he called a 'distressed look'.

A 'distressed look' is what Amelia had on her face when she saw the state of her bathroom afterwards. But the clothes had been transformed from a wearable outfit into ripped up, tatty and stained. So perfect for what a zombie would wear, once they had added some theatrical make-up. Or without the deathly make-up, hopefully she would look more tatty and homeless.

It took a while digging through the pile of clean clothes on the floor in front of her wardrobe, but eventually Amelia found what she was looking for.

Amelia had put on the jeans and sweatshirt, and had managed to find a single sneaker which she had on her left foot. She was just finishing drying her hair, when Darius returned. He just stood in the doorway without entering her bedroom. One look at what he was wearing, and she rolled her eyes.

He was wearing a tight vest and skinny jeans, with a cream coloured fedora balanced jauntily on top of his head.

"What the heck is that?" Amelia asked. "I thought we were supposed to be looking like we're homeless."

"Yeah, err, change of plans," said Darius. "Okay, so you're still a homeless bum, but I'm the well meaning samaritan who's helping you out."

"Urgh, fine, whatever," said Amelia. "Just help me find my other shoe."

Darius stood still and quickly turned his head from side to side. "Can't see it."

Amelia sighed, then dropped down on her hands and knees and crawled over towards her wardrobe. As she did, she hunted around under the clothes that were randomly scattered all over her floor, until she had located the second sneaker.

"Have you seen my purse? My car keys are in there," Amelia said, as she tied her shoelaces.

Darius grimaced, then sighed, then grimaced again. "We could take an Uber?"

Amelia scowled at him. "My driving isn't that bad."

"Oh no, it's not you, it's the other drivers I'm worried about," he said, then continued under his breath. "They're the ones you keep driving into."

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