15. Things get wrapped up

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There was a coffee shop across the road, not far away from the clinic. Within a few minutes, Amelia and Darius had made their way down to the crosswalk and over to where the coffee shop was.

Amelia reached out to push open the door. When she did, the cast on her wrist clattered into the glass door with a resounding thud.

She looked down accusingly at her arm. "Oh yeah, the x-ray. I forgot about that."

Darius only responded by rolling his eyes.

"We could grab the coffee, then head back across the road," said Amelia. "It would give them time to sort things out after that whole hostage drama."

"Yeah, sounds reasonable," Darius said, with a shrug.

As they entered the shop, Amelia saw the queue was stretched back to the door. They would have to wait. She sighed, already feeling bored from just the idea of being patient.

Though as they stood in line, she noticed that Darius didn't seem annoyed about having to wait. In fact, he had a contented smile on his face. But surely he wasn't happy about having to wait in line? That didn't make sense, and it was kind of annoying. The longer she looked at him, her annoyance grew until it turned to a frown.

"Why are you looking so happy?"

The smile on Darius's face turned into a grin as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, which he waved around in a celebratory way. "I got a phone number."

"Who's? That hot nurse?"

"Yep," said Darius, his grin growing wider.

"Cool," said Amelia. "Wait, was he gay?"

"Well yes, obviously," said Darius. "He's just not so obvious about it, and he's more restrained compared to me."

"Well everyone is more restrained when compared to you. You're like super camp."

"Uh, rude," said Darius, with a huff. "But anyway, that's not my fault. I never met any other gay people before I came to California, I thought that was how we were supposed to act. I've been doing it so long it's just kind of who I am now."

"Oh, right. Yeah, I guess that makes sense."

"But anyway, that's not important right now," said Darius. "I have a date with a hot nurse next week."

Amelia smiled. That was great news, and she was happy for him. Neither of them had much luck when it came to dating, so she was actually pleased he seemed to have hooked such a great looking guy.

Plus, maybe he would be friends with other nurses and doctors who were single, she wondered. Though it might be a bit soon to ask Darius to set her up with any of them. Perhaps she should give it a few weeks and see how their date goes first? Yeah, that would probably be best.

The line in front of them shuffled forward, as the person at the front ordered their drink and moved to the side. As Amelia took a step forward, she caught sight of the man standing in front of them in the line. He looked strangely familiar to her.

It was definitely someone she had met before, but she couldn't quite place him. She wracked her brain, trying to recall where she had seen that face. And then suddenly it hit her, it was that guy who worked at Netflix.

She was supposed to have had a meeting with him a couple of weeks ago, but she had missed it for some reason. So maybe this was fate? The universe had rewarded her for being a good person and trying to help people by giving her what she deserved.

But if she could just remember his name, thought Amelia. It was so annoying. It was there, almost formed on the tip of her tongue. She just needed to spit it out...

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