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Funny thing is...
Life is like a garden
It never ends
Where you've started
So all the while your
Trying to be perfect
Matching ends with ends
It'll never be the same
Mistakes have been made
Lies have been told
Seconds fly by
Then minutes
Next hours
Suddenly you see it all
Changing before your eyes
Wake up
You stupid little cunt
Knock knock
Its life
You can't run from it
Putting it off
Will only make it harder
No need to worry
No body is perfect
Those sleepless nights
Mind is full
Ideas plentiful
But for what a FUTURE?
You see it all
Its right before your eyes
Yet your stuck
Distracting yourself
Wanting something your past
Never offered
Tears are falling
But nothing ever comes round
Your a robot
Emotions don't come easily
Your trained to go
Like a soldier
You fuck with nun
But call many friends
Your heart is stupid
Your mind was abused
Not physically
But mentally
You took a beaten
Does it stem from mommy
Always asking you were you a dike
What about the father
The one you trusted
But instead you got his mouth
Leaving red marks
Up and down your chest
Reason you have breast
Your fucked all the way
Around the board
You know
You have to be broken
All the way down
To be built back up
But its taking a toll
You need an outlet
Nowhere to turn
No one you can trust
To tell your secrets to
Its best that you take the blade
And cut
First its once
You'll say it'll never happen again
Then it's three times
And now your hiding it
You don't fit in with anyone
Not the blacks
The whites
Nor your family
Who are you?
You begin to question
But you only realize
Its another
Part of your life
That will be hidden
Right behind
Being bisexual
My life style turning heads
I've got no family to disown me
I'm forgetting why I'm living
With each drop off blood
I'm praying for a new beginning
But I guess
This is another sad story
For another sad time

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