F is for Fuck

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I do my best
To keep my feelings bottled up

Sometimes I slip up
They seep out
Like a thief in the night
Picking up everything thing
Along the way
That glistens and shines

I can no longer
Find the words that knocked
On my lips
Like a hand on door

I'm no good with emotions
So if I'm dying Inside
You'd never know
Unless it showed on the outside

It's cold in here
Can't you feel your heart hardening
Can't you see it in plain sight

I just push threw
Like a Viking
Breaking and fucking up
Everyone before your eyes

I feel like a nuisance
Keeping you from finding the light
What is this
I can't sleep
I'm angry

My kindness taken for weakness
My love drenched in gasoline
And lit on fire

I've grown quite weary
Not to mention
Very restless at night

It doesn't even feel the same
I mean it
Nothing feels the same
I'm angered at every move made

It feels as if I can't breathe
My lungs fill
Like water in a tub
Or like the ocean rises

I'm troubled
I can't help
Letting my mind wander off

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