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It's people I despise
The anger & pain
Fuels me
Making my blood boil
Into a rage
It's the people of the world I despise
How is it
They only can care about their feelings
Peeling & ripping
Pieces off of the vulnerable
Vultures at their finest
Why is it
Others pain
Makes you feel so good?
Why must you hurt the good
Turning their hearts as black as coal
It's the people I despised
The ones that take one look at you
& judge
The scum of the earth rises
And the good dies
The scenery needs a change
The rolls need to be reversed
You need to hurt
The way they do
You call them weak
Let them wipe their asses with you
Spit foul words
Throw shade & attitude
See if the lacerations
Don't become
So deep you begin to cry
Drop down to your knees
& beg, plead
Wishing to find someone like you
To understand
To be that other with
My heart aches for you
The people who eventually begin to change
Because their not accepted for being different
It's the people I despise
For changing the good
Making them bad

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