Eleven/Thirty/Twenty Eighteen

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Yet another day you left
I'm standing here
Watching the silhouette
Of your body
Disappear in the distance
Happy anniversary I say to myself
Fighting the tears
Swelling in my eyes
I was supposed to be excited
We were supposed to be floating on clouds
Today you walked away from me
Left me standing alone
Those words you promised
Rung in my ears
Like someone's favorite song
"I will never leave"
There you go again
Showing me I cannot trust a word
That comes out of your mouth
I plop to the ground
There you are
Standing in front of me
I gave you a year of my life
A life I wasn't promised
You broke down walls
That'll have to eventually
Build back up, because of you
Battered and bruised
Yet I still choose to love you
This is karma...
A bitch

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