Thought it was

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Can you
Do me a favor
& wipe my tears away

Make the pain
I feel ease
Until it's no more

I'm dying
over here
Feeling heart broken
At the fact

Our good
Never out lasts the bad
Let me go
I can't take this shit

We're on
Then we're off
Then off again

The nights when
We argued
And I listened to you
Get mad

Those saddened nights
Where I sat
& silently cried
Pleading to keep you in my life

You can't break
My heart any more
You live & you love
End of story

Every time you're
Brought up
I fight back the tears
That comes with your name


That make me sick
If being with you

Is this constant roller coaster
Then I'm done
I don't want to live life this
I'll crawl into my shell

It sucks
Hiding my pain
I can hardly understand

You suck the life outa me
Drained me again n again
Now I feel there's nothing left
For the next

Every time you go...
Feel like a piece is missing
But I hate you right now
For making me feel like a fool

You're the worst
Now in a need a hearse
My stomach spassums
When you're around

Scratch that
It spassums
To the thought of you
You broke the camels back

Last straw
I hope you have a nice life
I refuse to crawl back

Got me bent
Off you think ima be a fool

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