Blood Breathing

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This breathing style is derived from water breathing. The user of the breath must have merchi in order to perform the forms correctly. The user will also need to be proficient in total breathing concentration constant to be able to direct the flow of blood in their body. This is because the breath of the blood requires the user to use their blood energy to enhance their attacks by increasing their speed and strength of their forms. As merchi blood has up to 10 to 100 times more energy than normal blood thus makes it a requirement of the breathing style. Also to properly use the extra energy of the blood the blood vessels need to move in a certain fashion. The weapon used for the breath can either be a standard katana or khopesh it just depends what the user is more proficient at using in combat. The colour of the blade will be a crimson red.

1. Blood Breathing - First Form: Crimson Fang

This form focuses on agility and speed. Users of this form cultivate a swift and relentless fighting style, allowing them to move with unparalleled grace and deliver precise and devastating strikes.

2. Blood Breathing - Second Form: Scarlet Tempest

In this form, the user harnesses the power of their blood to create whirlwinds of crimson energy, capable of ripping through even the toughest demonic defenses. The swift and continuous rotation of the user's attacks overwhelms opponents with a relentless barrage of strikes.

3. Blood Breathing - Third Form: Vermilion Shroud

Through controlled breathing techniques, practitioners of this form envelop themselves in a shroud of scarlet mist, enhancing their senses and effectively blinding their enemies. This form emphasizes evasion and swift counterattacks, making the user a formidable adversary in close combat.

4. Blood Breathing - Fourth Form: Sanguine Serpent

The user of this form channels their energy into their attacks, transforming their strikes into sinuous, serpentine motions that strike unpredictably and with lethal precision. This form focuses on exploiting the weaknesses of opponents and delivering fatal blows with calculated efficiency.

5. Blood Breathing - Fifth Form: Carnelian Cascade

Utilizing the flowing nature of their blood, practitioners of this form unleash a relentless cascade of crimson strikes, rapidly overwhelming their adversaries with a continuous and unyielding assault. This form is particularly effective in crowd control and taking on multiple opponents simultaneously.

6. Blood Breathing - Sixth Form: Ebon Dragoon

With this form, the user taps into the deep reserves of their blood energy to manifest powerful, draconic manifestations, creating ethereal constructs of serpentine dragons that amplify their attacks and unleash devastating torrents of destruction upon their foes.

7. Blood Breathing - Seventh Form: Crimson Phoenix

In this form, the practitioner harnesses their inner flame to conjure the spirit of the legendary crimson phoenix, infusing their attacks with the fervent, incendiary power of the mythical creature. Their strikes leave trails of scorching energy, burning away even the most resilient demonic flesh.

8. Blood Breathing - Eighth Form: Vermillion Thunderclap

Through precise control of their blood flow, users of this form generate explosive bursts of energy, manifesting as thunderous shockwaves that obliterate anything in their path. The devastating concussive force of their attacks leaves opponents reeling and vulnerable to subsequent strikes.

9. Blood Breathing - Ninth Form: Crimson Lotus

This form channels the user's blood energy into intricate and devastating flower-like patterns, which unfold as they move, creating a mesmerizing and deadly dance of destruction. The swirling, mesmerizing patterns of their assaults bewilder and mesmerize opponents before striking with lethal precision.

10. Blood Breathing - Tenth Form: Scarlet Apocalypse

In this ultimate form, practitioners reach the pinnacle of their power, unleashing a cataclysmic outpouring of their blood energy. Their attacks become a fearsome, unstoppable force, capable of rending the very fabric of existence and laying waste to all who stand in their path.

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