Ember Breathing

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This breathing style is derived from flame breathing. What is unique about ember breathing compared to all other breath types is that it is heavily reliant on the person body. This is because nichirin knuckles are used for the breath. This means a user will need be a master of at least one type of material arts to properly use the 5 forms. In addition to using a combination of materials arts and nichirin knuckles the breath heats up the body very quickly which means the user will need to have a high resistance to heat but the benefit of this overheating is that it slows down the regeneration of demons. This means that the longer the fight takes the hotter the user's body becomes but the slower the regeneration of the demon. The colour of the nichirin knuckles will black.

1. Frist Form - Molten Strike:

With each punch, molten rock and flames erupt upon contact, inflicting severe burns and physical trauma on the demon's flesh. The intense heat has a cauterizing effect, making it difficult for demons to regenerate from their injuries.

2. Frist Form - Blazing Defense:

The user can create a shield of swirling magma around their body, providing protection from demonic attacks. This shield radiates intense heat, deterring demons from approaching too closely.

3. Thrid Form - Volcanic Eruption:

By channeling their Magma Breathing through the brass knuckles, the user can unleash a powerful shockwave of volcanic energy, creating a localized eruption that scorches and incinerates any nearby demons. The destructive force of this eruption can clear a path through hordes of demonic creatures.

4. Fourth Form - Heat Amplification:

The user can increase the temperature of their surroundings by emanating waves of scorching heat, creating an inhospitable environment for demons. This ability can also be utilized to melt through obstacles or weaken demon-infested structures.

5. Fifth Form - Lava Rush:

The user can propel themselves forward with explosive bursts of volcanic energy, delivering rapid and devastating strikes to their adversaries. This allows for swift and agile movements in combat, catching demons off guard with the sheer force and speed of the user's attacks.

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