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October 20th - 2016

When I woke up the next morning, I was cursed by a migraine pounding against my skull. I forced myself into a sitting position with a slight groan, putting a hand on my forehead. As my eyes adjusted to the brightness of the sun through the window, I looked around the room. This wasn't my room or Winter's. My eyes landed on a pile of clothes thrown about on the floor. My body tensed up as it realized I was naked, and I quickly moved my arms around myself, attempting to cover my bare skin.
My gaze turned onto the sleeping man next to me, his messy blue hair falling over his face, looking slightly damp from the dried sweat from the night before. A trembling sigh escaped my lips. "Shit." I pushed myself off the bed, my hands holding onto the edge for support. As I stood, I was immediately reminded of how sore I was, my legs shaking a little under my weight.
As my hands fell onto the bed for assistance, Kai suddenly sat up, pushing the hair from his face. He looked at me with tired eyes. "Morning... you okay?" I looked at him and nodded, feeling awkward in this situation. "Mhm." I forced myself to stand up straight, turned away, and put on my shirt. I could feel him watching me, and it sent chills up my spine. As I got dressed, Kai stood up to put on his own pants.
When I finished pulling on my clothes, I turned to look at Kai, meeting his gaze. He cleared his throat. "I uh, had fun last night-" I stepped forward and put a hand over his mouth, speaking in a quieter voice. "I did too. But I was drunk. Winter can't know. And it can't happen again." Kai grabbed my wrist, pulling my hand from his mouth. "Why?" I sighed and pulled my hand back to myself. "Because, you're my best friend's brother. Everyone knows you can't sleep with your best friend's brother!" Kai's head tilted slightly as he spoke. "I thought you didn't care about social norms or what people thought." "I care if it's Winter! She can't know." After a moment, he finally nodded. "Alright." I sighed and walked to the door. "Good. I have to grab my stuff and get to work before Winter catches me." Before Kai could respond, I opened the door and stepped out, carefully closing it behind me.

Now that I was safe from the eyes of my lustful mistake, I realized that my phone was missing from the pocket of my jeans. A soft groan escaped my lips. I quickly took in a deep breath and composed myself before making my way down into the basement, moving slowly to stay quiet.

When I reached the underground floor, my eyes were greeted with the sight of last night's events. Empty bottles of wine were messily scattered on the table between the couch and TV, which was still on and broadcasting a reporter named Beverly on the News channel. Luckily, I found that my phone was still in the same place I had set it down the night before. I stepped forward and leaned down to pick it up from the table. My finger slid to the power button and turned the screen on to check the time. My phone was half dead, and the time revealed that I didn't have enough time to go home and get ready before work.

After returning upstairs, I found my way into the bathroom, quietly closing the door behind me. With a soft sigh, I made eye contact with myself in the mirror. My skin was even paler than usual, with dark bags under my green eyes to represent my lack of proper sleep. My black hair was tousled, yet another indication of my lack of sleep. I turned my attention down to my outfit; a messy black cropped band shirt with a Metallica design and dark blue jeans.
I opened the drawers to find the small bag of bathroom supplies I had taken for the sleepover: a toothbrush, toothpaste, a hairbrush, and a small bottle of perfume. I quickly put those items to use before exiting the bathroom.

I still couldn't leave however, faced with yet another issue. While the jeans were fine, the shirt happened to violate the work dress code, and my bag of clothes was still in Winter’s room. I wasn't ready to talk to her, so I looked around for a jacket that might have been left in the living room. Once again, my luck was working to make up for the night before, and I found one laying on the back of the couch. Unfortunately, it was Kai’s. I let out a slow sigh and quickly grabbed it, throwing it on. I didn't have time to search for another solution; I was already running late, so I would just have to find an indirect way of returning it later.
The jacket was black and oversized to the point that it reached just above my knees, which was no surprise since I was five foot four, and Kai was nearly six feet tall.
I finally found my way to the front door, grabbing my keys and making a rushed exit. I made my way to the dark blue car parked in the driveway. I got into the car and tossed my bag of toiletries into the passenger seat before starting the car. When I turned my gaze forward again, I saw a shirtless Kai standing in the doorway, watching me. My eyes quickly turned away as I pulled out of the driveway and onto the street, turning my focus on the drive to work.

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