The last days of peace

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1:45 AM - November 3rd - 2016

Loud music poured into my ears as I stood in a large club, surrounded by flashing lights and a crowd of people.

I let out a light groan and leaned against the bar. “I've been pulled away to dance all night and haven't had a break since ten.”
The bartender, Marco, chuckled and set down a small margarita on the bar. “Then take this and head into the staff room. Consider it a hydration break. I won't tell the boss.”
He was a fit man with light brown skin, deep brown eyes, black curly hair, and black stubble.
I gave him a thankful smile and took the drink. “I'm so grateful that I won't even point out the fact that alcohol won't hydrate me.” I could hear Marco laugh as I walked away, following his suggestion for a break in the backroom.

A few other dancers were also sitting inside, taking their breaks.
I let out a sigh and took a seat at one of the small tables nearby.
Unfortunately, just as I was about to take my first drink of the margarita, another dancer entered. “Maya! There's a man looking for you.”
I groaned and looked at the woman as she came to sit next to me. “Did you tell them I'm on a break?”
She looked a little annoyed as she spoke. “I definitely did. This one is actually hot, so I offered to dance for him instead, but he refused and said he'd wait for you.”
I gave her a curious look before standing. “Alright fine, last dance before I leave though.”
She nodded and picked up my glass, taking a drink out of it, as I left the room.

I was surprised to find Kai sitting at the bar. He turned to look at me as I approached, a beer in his hand. I smiled and sat next to him. “Hey handsome, what brings you here?”
He gave me a weird look. “Is that how you greet all your customers?”
I shrugged and leaned my head against his shoulder. “No. I don't flirt with them. So, what are you doing here Kai?”
“I wanted to come see you.”
I sat up straight and gave him a curious look. “Yeah? Is everything alright?”
He nodded, taking a long drink from his beer. “Yeah..”
I looked at him quietly, wondering what was going through his mind. It had been years since Kai showed real vulnerability and I couldn't help but wonder if that was about to change.
But that's not what happened when he broke the silence, turning to look at me and standing up. “So, how much do I have to pay for a private dance then?”
I hid my disappointment at the change in mood and stood up. “Free for you.” My hand found his, and I led him to one of the private rooms.

When we entered, I shut the door behind us, and Kai settled into the red booth against the wall, placing his nearly empty beer bottle on the floor beside him. I approached, sitting on his lap and running my fingers through his hair.
Kai glanced up at me, slipping his hands under my shirt, his fingertips grazing the edges of my black bra. I gently pushed his hand away, teasing, "Behave, I don't let people touch me when I dance."
He persisted, pushing his hand back up, resisting my attempt to keep it down. "I thought that was your whole thing. You dance for random men, take off your clothes, and they end up touching you for tips," he said casually.
I was taken aback by his assumption and stood up. "What?-" "Yeah, I mean, that's why I don't like you working here. But I didn't want to upset you, so I didn't say anything," he admitted.
"Kai, no, what? That's not— I'm not a stripper or a hooker. My clothes stay on, and I don't let anyone touch me. People just hire me to put on a show. They pay, watch from a distance, and then leave," I explained, incredulous.
He tilted his head, unsure whether to believe me. I groaned at his silence. "I can't believe that's what you thought I did for work."
After a moment, he stood up, his expression suddenly changing, filled with guilt. "I'm sorry. It's just been a long day, and when I came here to see you, it felt like a reminder that you dance here. I got upset at the idea of other men looking at you...and touching you."
Feeling remorseful for snapping at him, I wrapped my arms around his waist. "No, it's okay. I'm sorry for getting upset. I understand why you thought that."
His hand rested on my back. "Can't you just quit?"
I sighed, meeting his gaze. "No, like I said, I'm not naked or being felt up...and I need the money. I'm going to keep on working here until I can pay off my house and car."
"I thought your dad paid for that," he remarked.
"Exactly. I don't want to be indebted to him anymore," I explained.
Kai fell silent again, his thoughts racing. When he noticed me watching him, he leaned down to kiss me suddenly. "Okay. I understand. It bothers me, but you can keep working here as long as you need."
I smiled at his understanding and leaned in to kiss him again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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