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November 2nd - 2016

The next morning, I slowly opened my eyes and emitted a small groan as I stretched, gradually sitting up. Running my hand through my hair, I turned my head to gaze at the man sleeping beside me. He laid on his side, facing me, his blue hair partially obscuring his face. One of his arms was still draped over me, resting in my lap. 
A smile crept onto my lips at the sight of Kai, so peaceful, more serene than he had been in years. Using my fingertip, I brushed his hair away from his face, revealing his sleeping charm.

Kai's hand suddenly clasped my wrist, and his eyes fluttered open. After releasing my hand, he shifted to lay on his back, his gaze fixed on me.
I responded with a nervous smile. "Sorry, I just wanted to move your hair out of your face. I didn't mean to wake you."
He shrugged slightly. "That's okay. I don't mind you touching me."
I perked up and moved over to straddle his lap, my knees settling on each side of his body. Kai watched me, his hand finding its place on the side of my thigh. "Not going to run away this time?" He teased.
I laughed softly and shook my head. "Nope... I'll just have to be careful and sneak out before Winter wakes up and starts looking for me."
For once, he didn't initiate an argument over Winter, simply nodding as he glanced at his hand, which moved to my waist, his thumb tracing the tattoo on the side of my stomach.
The sensation sent chills down my spine, causing shivers along my body. "I've always admired your tattoos... why did you get this one?" Kai's question drew my attention to the ink adorning my skin.

The marking he was referring to was a medium-sized black and white tattoo of the ghost face mask. One of the mask's eyes bore a black knife handle protruding from it, while lines and blots resembling slashes and blood splatters decorated the perimeter of the mask.

"That's the second tattoo I ever got. I had it done when I was eighteen... honestly, I think I did it because of how much my dad hated my first tattoo," I explained.
He nodded, his gaze shifting between my tattoos. "Yeah? Which is your first one?"

I gestured to the small tattoo of the Nirvana face logo on my ankle.
"This one. I drew it on when I was bored during school one day a couple of months after turning eighteen. The next day I went and got it tattooed."
He nodded slightly as I finished speaking and moved his fingertips to the tattoo next to my first Ghostface one.

This art depicted a black spider hanging from webs, which were intricately strewn between two spider lily flowers. While the spider hung down on the top of my thigh, the flowers reached the bottom of the side of my stomach, just below the Ghostface tattoo.

I cleared my throat and straightened my posture, attempting to conceal the pleasurable shivers coursing through my body at his touch. "I drew that one myself before going to a tattoo parlor when I was 21," I explained.
Kai slowly lifted his gaze to meet mine. "Have you ever thought of being a tattoo artist?"
"What?" I asked, taken aback by the sudden question.
"Well, you're in art school, clearly like tattoos, and have a talent for drawing them," he pointed out.
I pondered his question for a moment. "Hm... honestly, yeah. I considered it when I was younger but figured that I couldn't build a proper art career from it. It'd be a cool job though."
Kai fell silent, his eyes once again wandering over the ink scattered across my body. "Which is your favorite?" he eventually inquired.
"Huh..." I mused, letting my hands rest on his abs, chewing the inside of my lip as I contemplated his question, considering all of my tattoos.

The third tattoo I ever got was in honor of my mother, who passed away when I was ten. She loved nature, often taking me on walks through beautiful parks and hiking trails. The design consisted of a ring of leaves on my collarbone that encircled my neck, with two small butterflies beside it. I got it when I was nineteen with the intention of adding color later, but I never did; so the tattoo remained in black ink.

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