Part 7

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Inuyasha was inside of the but writing something down. He was sitting on the floor with legs criss-crossed. He tried to think how to write. Even thinking of an idea of how to write. It was then he smiled coming up with an idea.

Dear Kagome,

I've been meaning to write this down because I've been wanting to tell you how I felt a long time ago. Ever since you came to revive me and came into my life, I was stubborn and a jerk as always. It was then I realized I had feelings for you.

I like you, too.

When the Shikon Jewel is completed and Naraku is gone, I was thinking we could have a future together, you and me. I'll be asking you only one thing in return. To accept my proposal and become my wife.

I'll be waiting for you if I have to wait five hundred years for you. All I ever ask you to be mine.


He smiled at this. His love letter was finished at last. When he was done writing, he put an envelope the one he got from Kagome's mother. After that, he brought a single rose, the one he got from the garden. He places it in the mail instead of putting it inside it. After that, he went to ask Miroku to send it to Kagome but told him not to be a perverted freak. Miroku agreed and then made his way to find Kagome.

Dear Kagome [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now