Part 8

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Kagome got home from the feudal era bringing the letters that she got from Miroku and some messager she doesn't know. She even got a single rose. She wasn't sure what kind of letters she had. It could be a stranger she never met. When she made it to the bedroom, she began to open the first letter.

After that, she began to read the first letter. Her face blushed and her eyes widened a bit, realizing it was from Bankotsu.

Dear Kagome,

I've been meaning to say this for a long time ago. Ever since we first met, I can't get thoughts out of my head. I've seen you a million times yet it always feels as if it's the first.

I spend most of my time thinking of a future where I could be with you. Every time I've been asked if we were together I answer no, but wish I could leave them all that yes. I wish I could tell you how I feel though, I've tried so many times but was always afraid.

I want to take you out on a date. I want to make you special. And I want to make you happy. I am in love with you, Kagome, and I think I am in love. I hope I can show you a love letter I have written for you.


After reading it, she never had noticed Bankotsu was in love with her. Not only does she have strange feelings for him.

Bankotsu is in love with me? Kagome thought. She had to admit she did like him a lot more than friends ever since Bankotsu and the Band of Seven had joined the group to help them find the shards and Naraku.

Next, she opened the letter and began to read it.

Dear Kagome,

I've been meaning to write this down because I've been wanting to tell you how I felt a long time ago. Ever since you came to revive me and came into my life, I was stubborn and a jerk as always. It was then I realized I had feelings for you.

I like you, too.

When the Shikon Jewel is completed and Naraku is gone, I was thinking we could have a future together, you and me. I'll be asking you only one thing in return. To accept my proposal and become my wife.

I'll be waiting for you if I have to wait five hundred years for you. All I ever ask you to be mine.


Kagome's face blushed heavily as she never expected Inuyasha to write a love letter and give her a single rose. She couldn't believe this. So Inuyasha and Bankotsu were fighting each other over her this whole time!? Well, Inuyasha and Koga always fight over her every time they come around.

It looks like she has to write something for Inuyasha and Bankotsu, needing to let them know she wants to talk in person.

As she wrote the two small letters down, she looked at it with a smile.

Can we talk?

Dear Kagome [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang