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Your eyes are pretty, make sure you give me a chance to stare in them when we see

Last I remembered I had a huge crush on you but you seemed to never notice me. Why the sudden interest on my cringe TikTok videos.

You know I planned our link up. I added your number to my contacts but never messaged

I gave access to your number to view my status...

Who knew you were on TikTok! Anyways my profile popped up as "people you may know" on your page

         Scheming and plotting it's giving stalker vibes...

I find you interesting coz you don't smile or I've just never see you show any new  expression than the poker face you always have on...

Anime Boy!!!  SOMEBODY SAVE HER; Heyo! Remy-Boy haha

Note: I'm not talking bout Rema or any boy I just found it funny and it's what popped in my head

Back to the writing 👇🏻

We chat for 24hrs straight up but I'm scared we won't make it pass that
I'm giving myself false confidence hoping we'll be fine, maybe you fr like me.
  Who am I kidding? Let what would be, be Daniella! Don't let em know...

Know what?
Know that he might be the one.


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