Lost in Translation: From Tower of Babel to Global Linguistic Unity

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As I sat in class, something got me thinking: the idea of taking letters away from words. It reminded me of that story from the Bible where people tried building a tower to heaven, and God mixed up their languages, making them all speak different ones.

Nowadays, communication is more than just talking. Girls have this way of talking with each other using codes and signals, like they're speaking their own secret language. And guys, well, they have their own silent way of understanding each other, just by looking.

Thinking about all this, it seems like we're heading towards a time when we won't need words to communicate. With all the technology and trends, it's like everyone's getting on the same page without even trying. And guess what? English is becoming the go-to language for everyone.

So, basically, it's like we're all moving towards this global way of talking, where English is the main language, not because someone's forcing it, but because it just makes sense. It's like we're all speaking the same language, even if we're from different parts of the world. And that's pretty wild, if you ask me.


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