Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: there is a swear in this chapter.

I was so angry. I stormed through the halls, not knowing where I was going.
I found myself outside. Back where we were earlier, in front of the Black Lake. I kicked the log as hard as I could. I was so angry at Granger and Potter and Weasley. Helen was so smart, beautiful, and just amazing. How dare they make her feel lesser.
I wanted to protect Helen from them. I punched a tree over and over and over. My fist was bleeding and throbbing. I sat down on the log, holding my bleeding hand. My eyes landed on my sling. My stupid sling that I was only still wearing for attention. I ripped it off and threw it into the Black Lake. My hand hurt, but I ignored it. I was positive that this pain was nothing compared to what Helen was going through. I don't know how long I was out there for, but the sun was starting to peak over the horizon when I finally got up and left. My hand had stopped bleeding, I didn't feel like going to the hospital wing. I went to the great hall, and sat down at the Slytherin table. There was no one else there. Not even any teachers.
I heard the door open, but I didn't turn to look.
"Draco?" Helen said. She walked over and sat down next to me.
I hid my bloody hand from her.
"Good morning." I said, turning my head to look away from her.
"Are you okay?" She asked, putting her hand on my shoulder.
"Are you okay?" I asked, finally turning my head to look at her.
"I'm fine. But are you okay?" She asked, studying my face, her brows furrowed with worry.
"It doesn't matter." I said, looking away again, "so long as you're okay."
"Draco, look at me." Helen said firmly.
I hesitated, then looked into her beautiful brown eyes.
"Draco, your feelings matter. I don't care what you say, I will keep asking if you're okay." She said, staring into my grey eyes. Her eyes drifted to my arm, "what happened to your sling?" She asked.
"Don't need it." I said, turning away again.
She studied my arm more closely, and noticed some blood on my shirt.
"Draco, why is there blood on your shirt?" She asked.
"No reason." I said, covering up the blood with my other hand. Unfortunately, it revealed my bloody knuckles.
She gasped. "What did you do?"
"Nothing, just punched a tree." I said flatly.
"And why would you do something like that?" Helen asked, reaching out and gently touching my hand, being careful not to touch the blood and cuts.
"I was angry..." I said.
"Why were you angry?" She asked.
I groaned, "because I hate the fact that Potter and his friends made you feel lesser then you are!" I shouted, banging the table.
Helen's hand flinched back, and she blinked in disbelief.
"I-I.... I have to go." She said. She stood up quickly, and left.

I ran out of there. I needed to find Hermione. I didn't know why. I just did. I ran to Gryffindor tower, and waited outside the fat lady painting for her to come out. When she finally did, I grabbed her hand.
"Mione, we need to talk." I said.
"But I-" Hermione started.
"No buts. Now." I said firmly.
Hermione nodded, and we walked to an empty classroom.
"Okay Helen, what is it you need to tell me." Hermione said.
I took a deep breath, "do you understand what my boggart was?"
"Of course. The fear of people. That's what you've said your worst fear was since first year." Hermione said.
"Hermione.... My fear is the fear of failure." I looked her dead in the eyes, and watched as the realization hit her.
Her eyes grew wide, and strangled me in a hug, "oh Helen! I'm so sorry!"
I wrapped my arms around her, not saying anything.
When she finally pulled away, she sighed, "there's something else I need to talk to you about."
I flinched, I knew what was coming.
"Helen, I need you to promise me that you'll stay away from Malfoy and his gang." Hermione said.
I shook my head, "I'm sorry Mione, but I can't do that."
"And why not?!" Hermione yelled, "they are the meanest, most vile people in school! How can you be friends with them!"
"At least they want to hang out with me! At least they care about me! At least they include me! Something that my own sister's friends don't know how to do!" Tears were streaming down my face, "And you know what! At least I even have friends. Because who knows what would have happened if  I had just stood there in front of my boggart. What would have happened if my friends hadn't talked to me, and let me sleep in their bed. What would I have done?!"
Hermione stood there, staring at me blankly. "Helen I-"
"Save it for someone who you haven't hurt." I said. And I walked out.
I stormed through the halls. I had done that a lot recently. I bumped into Pansy.
"Helen! There you are! I was getting so- are you okay?!" She asked. My tears hadn't stopped.
"No!" I wailed. I sank to the floor. Pansy hugged me while I sobbed into her shoulder.
"What happened Ele?" Pansy said.
I ask most smiled at the new nickname, "I talked to Hermione." I sniffed.
"What did she say to you?" Pansy asked softly.
"She told me to stay away from you and Draco!" I said.
"That bitch." Pansy muttered.
"Pansy!" I said
"Sorry! I just can't believe she would say something like that!" Pansy said.
I smiled and pulled away.
"Thank you for finding me Pans," I said.
"No problem Ele." Pansy said.

3rd person
Winter was approaching. The first trip to Hogsmeade was scheduled for the week before the break. Helen was debating to go home for Christmas, and Draco and Pansy were thinking of inviting her over.
As the weeks went by, and the trip to Hogsmeed grew closer, Helen, Pansy, and Draco grew closer. Draco's crush on Helen grew, and Helen started noticing her feelings for the blonde.
Overall, no other drama happened. Until Hogsmeed.

I honestly don't know where this chapter came from in my brain. I just started writing and poof, this chapter appeared.
I also know that this is more like fifth year Draco, but I wanted to establish this early on.
Anyways, love you all!!" <3

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