Chapter 11

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Pansy, Draco, and I sat in the bleachers, watching people put their names in the Goblet of Fire. Fred and George tried to put their names in, but failed hilariously. Cedric walked out, scanning the crowd. I read my potions book, hoping he wouldn't notice me.
"Yo! Helen!" He said.
I sighed, looked up, waved, then looked back down at my book.
He stared at me as he put his name in the cup. Draco scooted closer, and put his arm around my shoulders.
Pansy laughed, "are you jealous Draco?"
Draco scoffed and looked away. Pansy continued to laugh.
"Are you okay?" I whispered to Draco.
"As long as you're here darling, I'll be fine." He said, smirking.
I felt my cheeks heat up. I still couldn't figure out why he was calling me darling so much.
Cedric walked up to my friends and I.
"Hi Helen! Did you see me put my name in?" He asked.
"Mmhmm." I hummed, hoping he would go away. Draco was starting daggers into Cedric.
"Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmead on Sunday." Cedric asked.
"No she doesn't Diggory." Draco spat.
Cedric scoffed, "let the girl decide for herself!"
"She's coming with us!" Pansy said, glaring at Cedric.
Cedric looked at Pansy, then Draco, then finally at me, "you guys do know that you don't own her, right?"
Pansy scoffed, "we're protecting her. And besides, she already said she would go with us!"
I nodded. I loved Pansy and Draco, even if they were a little overprotective.
Cedric sighed, "if you want to talk to me without these morons, meet me on the bridge at 5:30."
"Excuse me?!" I exclaimed. The crowed was now watching us.
"No one calls my friends morons." I said, pulling out my wand, Draco's arm still around me, "And you can go to the bridge by yourself, because I won't be joining you."
Cedric stared in shock at my wand, and then walked away. The crowd stopped looking at us, and whispers rippled through the crowd.
I slumped back.
"Wow! I didn't know you had that in you!" Pansy said, giving me a high five.
Draco smirked, "that's my girl."
"'My girl?'" Pansy asked.
Draco just kissed my forehead in response.
Pansy looked at me confused.
"I'm just as confused as you are..." I whispered.

The champion selection arrived, and everyone was gathered in the great hall.
"Viktor Krum!" Dumbledore yelled. Cheers erupted in the hall.
"Fluer Delacour!" More cheers.
"And finally, Cedric Diggory!" The hall cheered the loudest. Cedric got up, and winked at me. I grimaced.
Dumbledore started talking about the trials, when the Goblet lit up again.
"Harry Potter!" He yelled. I, along with everyone else, looked over to Harry. His face had gone white. He stood up and walked over. He was escorted out, and food appeared. I ate my food, and walked over to the Slytherin table.
"Hey Helen!" Pansy said, scooting over to make room for me.
I smiled, and sat down.
"Can you believe that Potter got in?!" Draco scoffed.
I shook my head, "as unbelievable as it seems, it's also not surprising." I said, putting my head on the table.
"Are you tired?" Pansy asked.
"Yes!" I groaned.
"You should get some sleep darling." Draco said, rubbing my back.
"Are you two dating?!" Pansy asked.
I lifted my head to look at her, "No." I said.
"Don't worry Pansy, we would tell you." Draco said.
Pansy raised her eyebrows suggestively. She opened her mouth to say something, but got interrupted by Dumbledore coming back.
"I have a few more announcements!" He said, raising his arms for silence, "due to some unexpected changes, there will be four champions! Also, at Christmas time, there will be the Yule Ball!"
Cheers filled the hall.
Dumbledore talked some more about the tournament, and then dismissed us.
Pansy, Draco, and I walked around, splitting up after a while, and going to our separate dorms.

"Draco, tell me the truth. Are you and Helen Dating?" Pansy asked, stopping.
"We're not dating." I said. But I wish we were. I thought. As much as I didn't want to, I couldn't stop thinking about her all the time.
"Then why are you constantly calling her 'darling' and wrapping your arm around her?" Pansy pushed.
"Because... I wish we were dating." I said.
Pansy's eyes lit up, "you should invite her to the Yule Ball!!" She said.
I smirked, "maybe I will."

The first challenge arrived, and Pansy, Draco and I were walking to the stands, when someone called my name. I turned around, and there was Cedric.
"Helen! I didn't think you would come!" He said.
I tilted my head, "why wouldn't I come?" I asked.
Cedric looked surprised, "because your 'friends' wouldn't let you." He said.
I scoffed, "this is a school wide event, of course I'm going to come and watch."
Cedric rolled his eyes, and walked back to the tent.
Draco put his arm around me, "that's my Helen." He said.
Pansy raised her eyebrows. I blushed. We walked up to the stands, and waited for the challenge to start.
Viktor and Fluer and Cedric got their golden eggs, and then Harry stepped out.
He summoned his firebolt, and started flying around. The chain holding the dragon snapped. One hand went to my mouth, and the other grabbed Draco's hand. Draco smirked, wrapped his arm around me, and pulled me close.
I stared in worry as the dragon circled the castle.
"Do you want to leave?" Draco asked.
"No, I'm okay." I said.
Harry succeeded in getting his egg, and all the Gryffindors ran over and hugged Harry. I relaxed.
"You okay?" Draco asked.
I nodded, "I'm glad that everyone is okay."
Draco kissed my forehead, "everyone will be fine darling, Dumbledore will make sure of that."
I nodded. My cheeks burned, why was he doing this?!
Pansy sighed, "you guys need to date." She said.
"What?!" I asked, shocked. I tried to pull away, but Draco pulled me even closer.
Pansy laughed.
Everyone got out of the stands, and we walked away.

Draco and Helen are going to start dating really soon.
In later years, I will focus less on the couple and more on the stories and stuff. But year four is just going to be a cute lovely year!
Love you all!! <3

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