Chapter 6

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The first trip to Hogsmeade was today, and I was so excited. I hadn't talked to Hermione or her friends since that conversation we had over two months ago.
I was getting ready in my dorm, when Bennet knocked on my window. He had another letter.
I opened the letter:

Dear Helen,
'It isn't what we say or think that defines us, but what we do.'
I know we haven't communicated like this for a while, but I just wanted to make sure you're going to be as safe as possible today.
Love, D.M

I smiled. I still didn't know who was sending the letters, but I was glad they cared about me.
I wrapped my scarf around my neck, and I left the Hufflepuff dorms to meet with my friends. I found them in the great hall, at the Slytherin table. I waved, and Pansy jumped up for a hug.
"Ele!!" She squealed, wrapping me in a death grip hug.
I laughed, "Pans, I saw you yesterday!"
"That was too long!" Pansy said, letting go of her death grip hug.
"Pansy, you don't want to scare away Helen with your clinginess." Draco said. He was standing behind Pansy, with Crabbe and Goyle standing behind him.
"You can't scare me away that easily!" I said. He chuckled.
"Are you two done flirting? I want to go to Hogsmeade!" Pansy complained.
"F-flirting?!" I said. My face was getting hot. Draco laughed, "I don't know Pansy, maybe Helen and I should just go by ourselves."
I put my face in my hands. I was positive my face was as red as a tomato at this point. I would be lying if I said I didn't like that idea.
I heard someone walk in front of me, and pull my hands away from my face. Draco was standing over me, holding my hands. I just stood there, staring into is grey eyes. My heart did a backflip, and my stomach filled with butterflies.
Draco smirked. "Does little Helen have a crush?"
"W-what!? No!" I said.
"Your red face says otherwise." He said, raising one of his eyebrows suggestively.
"Alright you two! It's time to go! You can flirt later!" Pansy said, pulling me away from Draco.
We walked down the path to Hogsmeade. We talked and laughed. There was snow falling lightly, and the ground was powdered with snow. We were laughing about a joke Pansy had made when I heard some familiar voices.
"It's so unfair that Harry can't come with us! I mean what do they expect him to do about it?"
"Well those are the rules Ron. Now we should hurry if you want to come back for Fred and George's story about the shrieking shack later."
"Eep!" I said, jumping behind Draco.
Ron and Hermione were walking up the hill we were walking down.
Draco laughed, and looked at me, "are you sure you don't have a crush on me?"
"Hermione is walking up this hill! Where else was I supposed to hide?!" I whisper-yelled.
Draco looked at Crabbe and Goyle, and they stood beside him, creating a wall in front of me.
"Wow Weasley! You've got yourself a girlfriend! I didn't know you had it in you." Draco said to Weasley.
"Shut up Malfoy!" Weasley spat.
"Granger, I heard your sister got a higher mark then you in potions! How do you feel about that?" Pansy said, with venom in her voice.
That was true. I got the highest mark on the last test, followed surprisingly by Draco. I guess his tutoring helped both of us.
"Shut up Pansy!" Hermione said. They started walked away, but Pansy had one more thing to say.
"I didn't get a high mark, but at least I care about Helen!" Pansy yelled.
I couldn't see anything from behind my wall of people, but I could hear someone running towards where Pansy was standing.
"Don't ever say that again! I know you're just using her! Look at you guys! You're here without her!" Hermione said.
Pansy scoffed, "we care about Helen. Do you?"
"Come on Hermione. They're not worth it." I heard Weasley say. Hermione and Weasley walked away, and I let out a sigh of relief.
Draco turned around to face me. "Are you okay?" He asked.
I nodded, "thank you." I said.
Pansy pulled me into a hug. "Oh Helen. We love you very much!"
"I know." I said.
Pansy pulled away, and we continued down the hill.
We arrived in Hogsmeade and we were all in awe. The shops were so cute, and the people were happy. We went into literally every shop. Draco laughed as he watched Pansy and I ran through the shops 'oohing' and 'ahhing' at everything. We didn't buy anything, we just walked through the shops looking at all the fun things.
We finally stopped at the Three Broomsticks for some butterbeer.
"I've had so much fun today!" Pansy said.
I sipped my butterbeer and nodded.
"You two were acting like complete idiots the entire time!" Draco chuckled.
"Hey!" Pansy said.
I laughed, "admit it Pans, we were acting like idiots."
Draco smirked, "see Pansy, even little Helen agrees with me."
Pansy crossed her arms, "if I want to act childish, let me act childish!"
"Don't worry Pans, you can act childish whenever you want!" I said, trying to hide my laughter.
"Good." Pansy huffed, then smirked, "Draco, why have you been calling Helen 'little Helen?' It sounds like someone has a crush."
"Uugggh! Can we not!" I groaned. I will admit, him calling me 'little' was making the butterflies in my stomach act up.
Draco smirked, "I mean, she is little. And you guys have nicknames for each other, so why can't I call her 'little?'"
"Hey! I'm not little!" I argued.
"Yes you are." Pansy and Draco said in unison. I was short, about 4'9, Pansy was 5'5, and Draco was already almost 6'.
"Does that mean I should come up with a nickname for you Draco?" I asked.
"If you want," he shrugged.
I smiled. "I'll think of one!"
We finished our butterbeers, and exited the Three Broomsticks.
"Let's go to the shrieking shack!" Pansy said. Draco shrugged, and I sighed. I knew she would want to go there.
"I'll go, but I'm only going to see the outside! Im not going in there!" I said.
"Okay! I just wanted to see the outside anyways!" Pansy said.
We walked down to the spot where you could see the shrieking shack the best.
"Helen..." Pansy said.
"Yes Pansy?"
"Granger and Weasley are there..." Pansy pointed to two people looking at the shack. I groaned. They were definitely going to see me this time.
"We don't have to go if you don't want to." Draco said.
"No, it's okay. I want to." I said.
Pansy nodded, and grabbed my hand. Draco and his goons stood behind us.
We got closer, and Hermione turned around.
"Helen?! What are you doing with them?" She asked.
"I'm having fun with my friends." I replied.
"They are not your friends." Weasley said.
"Yes. They. Are." I said firmly.
"Look Granger, we want to look at the shack. So if you would kindly save this for later, that would be greatly appreciated." Pansy said.
"Yeah, shove off!" Draco said.
Suddenly a snowball hit Draco in the back of the head.
"Who's there?!" He yelled.
More snowballs hit Crabbe, Goyle, Draco, and Pansy. I stood there, rolling my eyes.
"Harry!" I yelled. The snowballs stopped, and I felt someone pull my hair.
"Ow!" I yelled. I ran over to where Pansy, Draco, and his goons had been chased to.
"Harry James Potter! Just because you, Ron, and Hermione hate my friends doesn't mean you get to hurt them!" I yelled.
"Ele, did Hermione do something to you? Potter's not here." Pansy said, a worried expression on her face.
Hermione and Ron looked like they were about to laugh.
I sighed, "can we go back to the castle?"
"Of course." Draco said, wrapping his arm around me protectively.
We walked back to the castle.
"Why did you think Potter was there?" Pansy asked once we got back.
I sighed, "don't tell anyone, but Potter has a invisibility cloak."
Pansy's jaw dropped, and Draco just scoffed.
"Of course Potter has one." Draco rolled his eyes. He took his arm off me.
Pansy eyed Draco, and he smirked.
We ate dinner, and then went our separate ways.
That night, I couldn't stop thinking of Draco.

A couple things:
I know that the first Hogsmeade trip isn't in winter.
I know that this chapter is all over the place lol.
I also know that this is going out of order with the books/movies. That is on purpose. This story is not meant to follow the original story.
Anyways, love you all!! <3
(Also, I will not have Helen and Draco kiss until at least fourth year)

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