Chapter 7

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Christmas break was only two days away, and I still hadn't decided what I was going to do.
I was walking through the halls, walking to the great hall after class, when I bumped into Draco and Pansy.
"Hi guys!" I said.
"Hi Ele!" Pansy said, giving me a hug.
"Hey Helen." Draco said.
"Any plans for winter break?" Pansy asked, pulling away from the hug.
"Nope." I said.
"Come over to my place?" She asked.
I smiled, "YES!!" I yelled. I jumped on Pansy and tackle hugged her.
I let go of the hug and Draco smirked. "I sure you'll miss me," he said, towering over me.
I shook my head, "I will not!" I said, standing on my tip toes trying to get to his height.
Draco raised his eyebrows, his face inching closer. The butterflies in my stomach started acting up, and my heart did a backflip.
Pansy cleared her throat, "as much fun as it is to watch you two flirt, we should go eat dinner."
I flattened my feet, and nodded. Pansy hooked her arm through mine, and we walked to the great hall.
The hall was decorated with trees, and the enchanted roof was snowing. Pansy had a dramatic goodbye, and we sat at our separate tables.
One of my roommates, Susan Bones, scooted over. "Why are you friends with them?" She asked.
"Good evening to you too!" I said sarcastically.
She rolled her eyes, "why are you friends with them?" She repeated.
"Because they're nice to me," I said, "and they actually want to be my friends." I started eating  the food that had appeared.
Susan scoffed, and scooted over to her other friends.
I finished my food, and I was about to get up when hands covered my eyes.
"Guess who." A voice said.
"Fred or George." I replied.
"Pick one!" Fred or George said.
"Fine. Fred?" I guessed.
"Correct!" Fred said. He took off his hands.
I got up, "hi Fred! Hi George!" I said to the other boy standing behind Fred.
"We we're just wondering..." Fred started,
"What your plans for winter break were!" George finished. It was kind of creepy how they finished each other's sentences.
"I'm going over to Pansy's" I said. I braced myself for the questions.
"Oh cool!" Fred said.
"Is Malfoy going to be there?" George asked.
"I don't know. He might come." I replied
"If he does..." George said
"Make a move!" Fred finished
"W-what?!" I said.
"We've seen the way to two talk," Fred said.
"And flirt." George winked.
My cheeks got hot, "we don't flirt! And I don't like him!" I said.
Fred and George exchanged looks.
"What?" I asked.
"You," Fred said.
"Are" George said
"Lying." They said together.
"Am not!" I argued.
"Are too!" They said.
I threw my hands up in the air, but I couldn't help but laugh.
"We'll convince Malfoy to make a move on you." Fred said.
"Don't you dare!" I said.
We all laughed.
"Do you want to get a butter beer sometime?" George asked.
"You can bring Parkinson and Malfoy if you want!" Fred said.
"That sounds like fun!" I said.
"See you after the break!" The twins said. I waved as they walked away.
Someone tapped my shoulder, and cleared their throat.
I turned around, "Draco!" I said.
"Hello Helen." He said.
"How was your dinner?" I asked.
"Fine." Draco said, glaring at the twins.
"Are you okay?" I asked, waving my hand in front of his face.
He grabbed my hand, "I'm fine." He scoffed.
I stared at our clasped hands, a slight blush on my cheeks. The butterflies in my stomach were doing a whole acrobatic routine.
Draco smirked, "do you like when I do this?" He held up our clasped hands.
I didn't say anything. I was frozen.
Draco laughed, "I think you do," he said, leaning closer to me. I heard whistling from Gryffindor table. That snapped me out of my trance. I pulled away, taking a few steps back.
I cleared my throat "Well, I should go to bed." I turned around, and walked back to my dorm.

All my things were packed. My parents were informed. And I was ready. I met Pansy and Draco at the train station.
"I'm so excited!" I said.
"Same!" Pansy said, jumping up and down.
"I'll come over for a day or two." Draco said, smirking.
I nodded, "I'm sure you'll miss me." I joked.
"I will." Draco said seriously.
My cheeks started to burn. "Anyways, see you later Draco!" I said quickly, Pulling Pansy away.

Pansy and I sat away from Draco. He was sitting with his other friends.
"What was that about?" Pansy asked.
"Nothing!" I said.
Pansy rolled her eyes. "You're a horrible lier."
"I'm not!" I argued.
"You like him don't you," Pansy smirked.
"I do not!!" I said. My heart did a flip from the mention of his name.
Pansy rolled her eyes again, "please, I see the way you blush whenever he talks to you! And how flustered you get! Especially when he starts flirting with you!"
I put my face in my hands, "is it that obvious?" I asked.
"Yes," Pansy said blankly.

The rest of the train ride was uneventful, and most of the time spent at Pansy's house was spent talking, laughing, and playing games.
Draco was too busy to come over. But I did get another letter from the mystery sender:

Dear Helen,
'A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment'
I miss you! I can't wait to see you in a few days!
Love, D.M

Pansy slept the entire train ride home, so I was left alone with my thoughts because Draco was no where to be found. I started thinking about Draco. His eyes, his rings, his hair. No matter how hard I tried, he wouldn't leave my mind. The train ride was finally over, and Pansy and I got off. I scanned the crowd for the blonde boy.
We spotted each other, and a big smile grew on my face. Pansy and I walked over to him.
I hugged Draco, and he wrapped his arms around me.
"I missed you." I whispered.
"I knew it." He said.
I laughed.
He pulled away, "did you get my letter?" He asked.
"You sent me a letter?" I asked.
"Oh my gosh Helen! Use your brain!" He said, chuckling.
I thought, and the realization finally dawned on me, "you're the one sending those letters?!" I said, my jaw dropped.
Draco laughed, "I'm surprised you didn't figure it out earlier!"
"Did I miss something?" Pansy asked.
"No... nothing at all." I said.

Year three isn't going to last much longer. Also, I know that this was REALLY fast. I had all these little ideas that didn't fit into one chapter, so here you go!
Don't forget to comment and vote if you enjoyed this!
Love you all! <3

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