Chapter 16

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Winter break was over, and Draco had barely left my side. He followed me almost everywhere. Even waiting outside of classrooms for me.
Pansy started getting concerned, "Helen, what is going on?"
I tilted my head, "what do you mean?"
"Why is Draco following you around all the time?"
I paused, would she find this ridiculous? Would she be concerned? Would she laugh? Would she think we're overreacting?
"Draco and I were threatened." I said.
Pansy's eyes grew wide, "who?"
I shrugged, "I don't know."
Pansy laughed a little, "Draco's overreacting. This is so like him."
I laughed a little as well, "Yeah, he is."
"I could do some digging and figure out who threatened Draco." She said.
"Thank you." I said.
"By the way, where is Draco?" Pansy asked, looking around.
"He has an extra class right now, so he can't stay with me during that time." I said, shrugging.
Pansy smiled, "so he isn't with you 24/7"
I laughed, "of course not! He trusts me to be safe."
Pansy and I started walking. We hadn't seen each other for a while because of classes so we caught up.
I was done all my classes for the day, but she had another. I left her at the classroom, and I was really and truly alone for the first time since winter break.
I wandered the nearly empty halls, thinking about the most random stuff.
"Oh hello there, you must be Helen."
I looked up to see a Slytherin boy.
"Um, hello." I said, waving a little. I glanced around, checking all exits. There was the hallway behind me, and the hallway behind the boy. And that was it.
I started walking forward, maybe I was just overreacting.
The boy stepped in front of my path.
"Now now, I can't let you go darling. I need you." He smirked evilly.
"No thanks," I said, reaching for my wand. I tried to step past him, but he was much bigger then me.
"Come on, I just need you to get to your little boyfriend." He said, grabbing my arm.
"Please let me go." I said, trying to yank my arm away. But he just tightened his grip.
I pulled out my wand and pointed it at him.
"Put that down, or I'll hurt your boyfriend." He said, still smirking.
I held my wand there, waiting for him to do something.
He rolled his eyes, pulled out his wand, muttered a spell, and then everything went black.

I woke up tied to a chair. The room was dark. I tried getting my hand free, but the bonds just tightened. My head was spinning.
The door, that I didn't know was there, opened. The boy walked in followed by two other boys. One of them was holding someone, but it was too dark to see who it was.
They tired the person to a chair next to me.
"Helen, are you okay?" He whispered.
"Draco?!" I whispered, "are you okay?"
"I've been better," he tried to get out of his bonds.
"That doesn't work... I tried already."
He nodded.
The boys whispered for a bit, laughed, and then left.
The room was blackened in darkness. I started to panic.
"Helen. It's okay. We're going to be okay. I promise." Draco said. I felt his eyes on me, and I could hear the concern in his voice.
"What do we do?" I asked, trying to calm down.
Draco thought for a moment, "I think my wand is still in my cloak, do you think you could try and grab it?"
"I think so." I said. I started to scoot my chair towards him, and I turned my chair. Draco also turned, and I found his wand. I removed his bonds, and he stood up.
Draco removed my bonds, and I tried to stand up. I had been sitting down for so long, that my legs gave out. I fell, and Draco caught me.
"How many times are you going to fall for me?" He laughed, pulling me up. I got flustered.
Draco walked over to the door, "alohamora," he whispered. The door opened, and we squinted in the sudden light.
He grabbed my hand, and we walked out into the hall. We walked in silence all the way to Draco's room.
Draco shut the door and locked it.
He turned to me, "are you okay?"
I sat down on the bed. "I think so." I rubbed my wrist. Getting Draco's wand made the bonds tighten.
He came over to me, and held my hands, examining them.
"Maybe we should go to the hospital wing," he mumbled.
He kissed me, and sat next to me.
"Are you sure your okay?"
I smiled, "I am now." I put my head on his shoulder.
He kissed my forehead and wrapped his hand around my shoulder.

A week had passed since the incident, and the only people we had told ware professor Snape and professor Sprout.
The boys were given two months of detention, and their parents were informed.
The reason for the boys holding us hostage was just to get back at Draco for something he had done a year ago.
I ran into Hermione after the incident, and she noticed the rope burns on my wrists.
"Helen, what happened." She asked.
"Nothing," I said, quickly put my hands behind my back.
She dropped it, but she eyed me suspiciously for a while.
Hermione asked me one day if I knew of anything about something that would help Harry breath underwater, but I couldn't help. Besides, I'm sure the next trial wasn't that crazy.

This is a shorter one because I've been really busy with school and my social life. Sorry about this being all over the place lol.
Please comment your suggestions, and vote if you enjoyed!
Love you all!! <3

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