Chapter 22: The End of a new Beginning

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Jace, Henry, and Oliver were at the door and agreed to wake up early. I showed them around the set and then they needed to leave.
"I'm planning to come back for two months, before we start season two."
I head to a nearby coffee shop and get some hot cocoa and a croissant. Then I see Emily, my best friend on set.
"How are you doing?" She asks.
"Good. How about you?"
"Amazing! I had the best dream! A unicorn was eating a bagel, right? So then the unicorn only wanted to eat the bottom, so the unicorn put the top, with the hole, on its horn!" Then she started laughing and she almost fell off her chair.
I head to set with her and we get ready to do the table read. I look around the table, and I notice that this is my family. I'm not alone. I have the cast.
I'm not a problem at all. And I never lost my real family and my real friends. At least some of them are my real friends. I walk to the table and see Emily. I get a funny feeling, a good funny feeling. All of a sudden, a new type of smile is on my face. I don't know why though. I know it's a good feeling and I get it whenever I see Emily.
As the sixth day on set came on, Emily came to me and asked a question I never thought anyone would ask me.
"So, Nicholas. I think we have great personalities, and I think-"
"Emily, Nicholas, Stage 7 pronto!"
"Wait!" I yelled, "what were you saying?"
"Oh!" She said.
I looked back to see Jace, Henry and Oliver. Seeing that they wanted to come.
I looked back again. "You broke me first."

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