Untitled Epistle

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feeling of uncertainties,
thinking of endless possibilities.
faced with guilt and fear,
only one thing is clear,
I despise being alone,
or just talking to u on phone,
I want ur time and attention,
with no care or pretention,
treat me like a porcelain doll,
I'll surely support ur fall,
love me through ups and down,
I'll give u ur deserved crown,
let's live in happiness,
not in guilt, fear and sadness,
we just need to be patient,
create something pure and ancient,
love that comes from within,
love that you'll see shinning,
be each other's song,
be together for so long,
be the warmth we both need,
it's what love brings indeed,
one moment that we enjoy,
one to create a lifetime joy,
all it takes is u,
just to be with u.

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