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Scene 1

Kevin is giving speech

Kevin :- You can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending

Kevin :- As we are transitioning into adulthood, have you ever contemplated on how your life in this school has been? Many dwell on bad things. Many want to go back to fix the past. It's not uncommon, We are good at remembering our mistakes. Everybody hurts in their own way. In the end, we all have to move past it. No one can get on a time machine and go back to fix the past. I wish everyone remembers the past and looks to the future. I firmly believe that teenage life is about making mistakes and growth. Don't keep Looking back and forget to look at a beautiful thing in front of you. But keep your Pain and Learn from it. From today on, I want you all to believe. A forward path is awaiting us, no matter in which way. I wish everyone strength and the ability to appreciate life. It may not be perfect but that's life. Believe me, a better future is waiting for us to run forward. I hope everyone enjoys their new journey. I wish you all good luck in your chosen path.


Scene 2

Gorya along with Talay is at the mall and so are Thyme and Lita. Thyme saw Gorya with Talay, they argued and Gorya asked him to leave her after Thyme accused her.


Scene 3

The next day Gorya received Red Card

Amily is reading at launch when suddenly a student came to her panting

Student :- P'Amily

Amily :- Yes

Student :- P' Gorya got a red card

Amily :- Arai wa? Where is she now?

Student :- P' Some students take her to the Stadium.

Listening to this without wasting any time amily ran toward destination. She calls Ren in the middle.


Scene 4

Kevin and Mj are getting ready for prom

Kevin :- Have you called Thyme?

Mj :- I did but his phone is off.

Kevin :- Is he coming with us?

Mj :- He's going with Lita, I guess. (he puts a tie on Kevin's neck)

Kevin :- Thankyou

Mj :- But you and Kaning.. What's the story?

Kevin :- What? Nothing going on

Mj :- Really? (TEasingly)

Kevin :- Really, Don't imagine things.

Suddenly Ren Came

Mj :- Finally, You're here. Shall we go?

Ren nodded but suddenly his phone ring

Ren :-Its amy

Picks call

Ren :- Hello Amy

Amily (Panting) :- Hello R Where are you are you still at M's place?

Ren :- Calm Down Amy Yes I am at MJ's Home what's wrong why are you panting

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