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Scene 1

Maira and Ren are sitting beside each other, Maira's head on Ren's shoulder. Suddenly Someone knocks on the door

Mj :- I hope we are not disturbing you guys (Teasingly)

Maira and Ren Separate from each other

Amily :- (To Maira) Are you feeling better now?

Maira nodded

Amily :- Actually, I want to tell you something (Both looked at her) We need to go back, T called and informed us that Lita contacted T's Mom and asked her permission to move in with T.

Ren/ Maira :- What? (Shouted)

Mj :- Yeah and also she threatened him that she would destroy Gorya if Thyme didn't do as She asked.

Maira :- I never expected her to be like this, I thought she was good.

Ren :- (To Amily) What are you planning to do now?

Amily :- I'm thinking of talking to her.

Maira :- And you believe she will understand?

Amily :- We should give it a try, As much as we know her she is not bad, She is a nice girl. She will understand.

Everyone nodded

Ren :- Ok when do we have to leave?

Mj :- We can leave in half an hour if it's not ok, we will leave tomorrow morning.

Ren :- I'm ok with both what about you both?

Maira :- I'm also ok with it.

Amily :- Ok, so let's leave in half an hour and M arrange everything, I want to talk to her Asap.

Mj :- I'll arrange something. (Mj gestures amily toward Maira)

Amily (nods and pulls Maira's hand) :- Maira don't worry we will find something about your father soon Trust us, Let us finish the matter of T and Lita first, then we will look for your Paa We promise.

Mj and Ren put their hand on Maira's shoulder and she nodded.


Scene 2

At Paramantara

Thyme is frustrated, he is angry he is about to break something but stops just then Lita comes into the same room

Lita :- I thought you were going to break a thing or two. That's quite unexpected. I didn't think you could stay calm.

Just then Amily came and stood in front of Lita

Amily :- I never thought you could be this kind of person either. But stop it already, Lita. I can see this is not you.

Lita :- It's not surprising. Every girl is willing to do anything for someone, she loves.

Thyme :- (Shouted) This is not love, this is you want to win. Get it together.

Amily :- Calm Down T. Let me talk Please and Lita I understand what you are saying and honestly I would also be willing to do anything for my loved one but tieing someone with you knowing he won't be happy being with you is also wrong. I assume you know everything but still, I want to clear it up, T loves Gorya and it did not start some days prior, They loved each other for almost a year.

Lita :- And you believe he loves her.

Amily :- He changed himself for her Lita. You told me prior that you thought he was violent and that's true Thyme was a very violent person before he met Gorya but he changed himself for her. He became humble and that's all because of gorya. They are made for each other Lita they complete each other please don't do anything stupid Lita, not for them but at least for yourself. As much as we all want T and Gorya to be together, We also care for you and want you to be happy.

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