High Pointe - Episode 16

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The next time I woke up I could feel every ache and sore muscle from the previous day. My feet and calves had taken the worst of the strain, but there was a stiffness in my shoulders from gripping the bar while bent over, and it served as a stark reminder of what we had done the day before.

I glared up at the celing, remembering what I'd done. How I'd caved.

Not only by fantasizing about Victor while I came, but by begging him to fuck me in the first place. I'd done it to bring him down to my level, to take some of the power back, and yet it hadn't worked. He'd maintained control the entire time, twisting my attempt to escape my punishment and turning it into some perverted bid for dominance.

And it had worked.

This didn't change anything, I decided. I was still being held captive by a megalomaniac, and sex was still the key to my freedom. It would just take more time and patience, both of which I had in spades.

Shoving off the comforter and getting dressed, I started in on my stretching routine. It wasn't long until my stomach was growling and I frowned as I realized that the last meal Victor had given me was breakfast. With the lights in the basement studio a soft, steady glow it was impossible to tell how much time had passed. For all I knew, Victor has only left me alone for a few hours to sleep off our training session in the middle of the day, or he'd brought me breakfast at dinner to throw off my sense of time.

Glancing around, wondering just how long I'd actually been trapped down here so far, my eyes fell on the black bag he'd brought with him. It was still sitting against the wall, unzipped and beckoning me.

I needed to know what else was in there, besides the red silk and the riding crop. What else did he have in store for me?

Finishing my shoulder stretches, I made my way to bag, and then hesitated.

This was an invasion of privacy, wasn't it?

I scoffed at the idea as soon as it entered my mind. That was ridiculous. I was a prisoner here, locked away where no one would find me. He'd taken away my own privacy, and my freedom. If anyone had the right to violate his privacy, it was me.

So, despite the creeping worry that he would know what I'd done and be furious about it, I crouched down and looked inside the bag.

The first thing I found was that damed riding crop, which I pulled out and set aside. A part of me wanted to snap it in half, but I knew that would only lead to more trouble. Not only would he just buy a new one, but he would make sure I paid for the broken one, one way or another.

Next came the red silks, and I set them aside more reverently. As much as my punishment had been torture, the ability to see where I'd made a mistake was incredibly helpful and I liked the silks for that. In fact, I planned on using them to perfect my pique turns while Victor was gone. I wasn't about to give him another reason to punish me, after all.

Digging deeper into the bag, I found a set of black ropes that I was afraid to consider. There weren't many steps you could practice while tied up, though, so I set them aside and decided not to worry too much about what Victor might have in mind with them. Below the coils of rope were a treasure trove.

Three granola bars and another bottle of water.

Snagging those, I put the rest of the 'training' materials back where I found them. Then, I opened one of the granola bars and devoured it. Taking the bottle of water to my tiny bathroom, I poured out the contents, washed the bottle, and refilled it with tap water. Satisfied that I'd done all I could to avoid being drugged again without actively starving myself, I rehydrated and got to work.

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