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[Taehyung's p.o.v]

There was once a beginning to your past that conjured your backstory. Then there's a beginning to an end that tyrannically ceases your backstory.

So what's the story truly about if it's contaminated with infinite beginnings?

I never understood why someone's appearance can bother another's in such negative context. I know there's no logical excuse to adjudicate anyone based off of their physical features.

The only aspect I scrutinize is their demeanor. I mostly observe the way someone literates within a sentence.

It's the most important bauble.

Let's say a friend and I both opt for a position with one spot available, and I so happen to be the one to fulfill the section.

They congratulate me because that's what's "expected" of them. However, I'm not focused on what they say. I'm immersed on how they say it.

Is their tone light or forced? Were they hesitant to congratulate me or did they speak too soon?

Are they vicariously happy for me or is it malignance mantled by hoax cotton?

It's the same custom for actions too. Body language is the loudest statement anyone can make.

So according to me, there's not a single rational explanation for judgment solely on appearance.

Anyone can look composed on the outside, their actions are what should be analyzed. If there's ever a slight chance to get a glimpse of others lives, you'll see how their simulation is no other than a facade.

There's a specific reason as to why someone dresses the way they do, and act a certain way they do.

There's always a backstory. So if you're judging someone for how they show up; You're judging them for what they left.

Survived for most.




The beating of my heart finally begins to slow down its pace, and the sound reaches my ears like it's the only movement inside the room.

I allow my eyes to slowly drift up towards the man on his knees in-front of me even though the sight is mazed.

The weight of his hand on my knee is the only sign of him letting me know he's still speaking. My heartbeats are still pounding in both of my ears however, my eyesight is actively diffusing.

I manage to put a shaking finger up to let him know I can't hear him right now.

A cold and wet feeling washed over my forehead and my body sags and my eyes flutter shut.

My eyelids then start to repeatedly open and close as my hand reaches out for something. And that's when I realize I'm on a soft comforter.

I bring my hands up to my eyes and rub them over it. Next thing I know, my vision is back but my body is scorching.

My mouth parts with the force of the head of a water bottle pressing against them. I take a few sips before my heart rate is back to normal and no longer blasting inside my ears.

𝐀𝐦𝐛𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 [𝐕𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤]Where stories live. Discover now