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Lucy stood with her father, Rip, and Jamie while Travis was showing off some high-priced stallions. Lucy smiled as she heard her dad say something about being from San Diego written across his hatband when Travis told him how much for one of the horses. Lucy hadn't really been paying attention. She was lost in thought thinking about how hectic her life had become in a matter of months. She felt Rip's hand rest on her lower back as he leaned in to answer her father's question. "I'd say that 5 million dollar stud, but it ain't my money." Lucy broke out of her trance and smiled gently up at Rip. Lucy heard Jamie saying they couldn't afford it and knew a fight was brewing. "Jamie..." Lucy warned. She stopped when she saw Monica and Tate out of the corner of her eye. Lucy abandoned the men and went to her sister in law. The men watched her and quickly followed. Monica explained what happened with Kayce and before Lucy knew it, her father was ushering Jamie towards the helicopter to go get her brother out of whatever hole he now found himself in. Lucy sighed and took Tate down to see the horses Travis brought. Rip followed after her. "Is my dad going to be okay?" Tate asked his aunt. "Your dad is going to be fine. Uncle Jamie is going to bring him home." Lucy brushed his hair back from his face and let him watch Travis. Lucy sighed. "There is always something with this family," she told Rip quietly. He just watched her. Rip was not one to be fond of children, but seeing Lucy with Tate made him wonder if children would be in their future. He didn't mind Tate, it's just that he always asked so many questions and Rip found himself not having the patience to answer them. Rip pulled Lucy into his side. "You're good with him," he mumbled into her hair. Lucy pulled back slightly and looked into Rip's eyes. "You think so?" She asked quietly. Rip just nodded and pulled her back in. They watched Tate together in silence. Lucy smiled gently to herself, Rip's words replaying in her head. She knew that she wanted children one day, but wasn't sure on Rip's stance about the subject. She knew she wasn't getting any younger, already 28 years old. Lucy knew that if children was something her and Rip wanted, they couldn't wait too long.
Rip had just gotten back from picking up a new wrangler, Walker. Lucy already didn't like the guy. "I get a weird vibe from him, that's all," she explained to Rip. They were talking outside of the bunkhouse when Tate came running at her crying. He threw his arms around her, gripping onto her clothing. "Tate, what happened?!" She asked worried and crouched in front of him. "I-I told Dad that I liked it here b-better than our house. H-he yelled at me and said I shouldn't say that." Lucy sighed and held the boy close. "Baby, your mom and dad work really hard to provide the things you have. You like it here because you get to come visit and it's exciting. I bet if you lived here you'd get bored." Lucy smiled gently. Rip crouched down beside her. "Your aunt is right, Tate. If you lived here, you may have to help shovel horse poop everyday," Rip added. Lucy chuckled lightly at the slight look of disgust on her nephew's face. "Your dad has a lot going on right now. He didn't mean to yell at you like that. Why don't we go inside and get a snack." Lucy stood up and Tate agreed. Lucy kissed Rip gently. "I'll see you later," she told him and walked off with Tate.
Jamie was pissed he had to go pick up Beth. He went to Rip's cabin and knocked on the door. Lucy got up from the couch and opened the door. "What is it?" She asked her brother. Rip was taking a shower. "Beth is drunk. I have to go pick her up and I refuse to be alone with her when she is like this. Will you please come with me?" Lucy sighed and nodded. "Let me go tell Rip. I'll meet you in your car." Jamie thanked her and walked away. Lucy walked into the bathroom to find Rip drying off. "Beth called Jamie and told him she needs to be picked up. She's too drunk to drive. Jamie doesn't want to be alone with her and asked if I'd go with him. I should be back within the hour." She walked over to Rip and kissed him gently. "Alright be careful." He looked at her in the eyes. "I love you, Lucy." Lucy smiled gently at hearing him say that. They hadn't said that since the night they watched the wolves. "I love you too," she responded. Lucy grabbed her jacket and went to Jamie's car. She got in the backseat.
The car ride back to the ranch was silent until Jamie made the comment telling Beth she was pathetic. "I'm sad," she answered back. "Oh you're sad," Jamie remarked and snatched the cigarette from out of Beth's mouth. "Dad asked you to help. Whatever this is is not helping." Beth just scoffed. "I bet you suck dick like there is a prize inside," she sneered and Jamie had enough. He pushed her head into the window. "Will you two stop!" Lucy said annoyed. The two started hitting one another. "Hey!" Lucy said wanting them to break it up, but that fell on deaf ears. The next thing Lucy knew, Beth had pulled out a gun. Lucy froze in fear. Jamie looked at Beth. "Put the gun down. This is dramatic even for you, Beth." Beth looked at Jamie and held the gun firmly under her chin. Lucy's mouth felt dry and she couldn't get any words out. "You gotta watch them die to lose them," Beth said. The words sunk in and Lucy felt her eyes water. She didn't want to think about her dead mother and brother right now and what Beth was hinting at with that comment. Lucy felt her hands shake as she heard Beth unlatch the safety. "Do it!" Jamie encouraged angrily. "Do the world a fucking favor!" Next thing Lucy heard was a gunshot. She screamed and felt the car go swerving. Beth just stared at Jamie emotionless. "You have to watch them die to lose them," she repeated. Jamie took the gun from Beth then looked at Lucy who was sitting in the backseat, tears streaming down her face and her body lightly shaking. Beth's eyes followed Jamie and she paled lightly at the sight of her little sister. "Lucy," she said in bewilderment forgetting that her little sister was even there and had to witness that. "I want to go home," Lucy told Jamie quietly. He nodded and the rest of the ride was silent.
As they pulled back up to the ranch Lucy watched her father and Rip walk off the porch quickly. Jamie had called and told John what happened. Jamie parked the car and the three of them got out. Lucy was still in shock from the event that took place less than 30 minutes ago. Rip cupped her face as soon as he reached her. "Are you okay?" He asked worried. Lucy looked at Beth then at Rip. She nodded slowly. John was standing next to Beth, holding her arm. He took her into the house and Jamie followed. "That scared the shit out of me," Lucy said and felt her eyes pooling again. "She said we didn't lose them unless we watched them die," she whispered. "S-she wanted us to watch her-" Lucy couldn't even finish the sentence because she was back in tears. Rip pulled Lucy close and held her. He brought her into the main house and up to her room. Rip wanted to stay with her but he knew he had to brand Walker tonight. Lucy uneasily fell asleep to the sound of Beths screams.

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