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Lucy's eyes scanned over Rip as he sat on his front porch. Worry filled her as she saw a few bruises on his face and a busted lip. "Baby, what happened?" She asked worried as she approached him. She cupped his face gently and looked over the marks. "Your brother and I got into it," he grunted. She didn't have to ask which one. She knew him and Kayce had an uneasy relationship. Lucy sighed. "How bad does he look?" She sighed. "Probably a little rougher than me," he answered back. Lucy just shook her head. "Let me clean your lip." She brought him into the house and sat him down at the kitchen table. She wiped at his lip with a wet rag. "Why were you guys fighting?" She asked. Rip held her hips, gently rubbing them. "He ain't good for this place. Ain't good for you or this family." Lucy paused and looked down at Rip. "He is just lost. Everyone tries too hard to please my father and all they are doing is self destructing. Kayce needs to figure out who he really is," Lucy tried to defend her brother, but she knew what Rip was saying also held value. Rip guided her to sit in his lap. "I know, darlin. Your brother has some growing up to do still. I don't want this to upset you though, alright?" Lucy nodded and smiled gently. She leaned in and kissed Rip. He pulled her close. "I gotta head back soon but maybe we can spend a little time together before I go?" He suggested. Lucy got his hint. "I'd like that. Will you take a shower with me?" She was still in her scrubs. She had gone in that morning because they were short staffed but by the afternoon she was allowed to leave. Lucy got up and went into Rip's bathroom. She took off her clothes, Rip following suit after he turned the water on to warm up. They both stepped under the warm water. Lucy instantly relaxed into Rip, his arms going around her. He placed a kiss on her head. "I could get used to this," she told him honestly. Things were good between them and Lucy loved him. Rip smiled. "Me too," he responded and placed his finger under her chin. Lucy looked up at him and he captured her lips with his own. They kissed for a while, their hands roaming one another's body. She gasped softly into Rip's mouth when she felt his hand rubbing light circles against her clit. She looked up at him with her lips parted, her breathing growing heavy as she felt her arousal growing. Rip leaned her back against the wall. He stood in front of her and placed light kisses on her cheeks and neck. "I love you, Luce," he whispered against her skin. Lucy felt her skin tingling. She held onto his arms. "I love you too but I need more," she told him urgently. Rip pulled back to look into her eyes. "I'll give you more, baby." He slid his hand further down and slowly entered two fingers into her. Lucy's head tilted back as she sunk herself down further on his fingers. Rip smiled as he began thrusting them up into her gspot. Lucy moaned and her grip tightened around his arms. "That feels amazing," she told him. Rip went back to kissing on her. She felt herself growing closer to an orgasm. "Rip, I need you inside me," she begged. Rip pulled his fingers out. "Come here, honey," he said gently and lifted her up. Her back stayed pressed against the wall as he held her close, slowly entering her. Lucy moaned deeply and laid her head in the crook of his neck. Rip thrusted up into her and groaned deeply at how tight she felt around his member. He already felt himself growing close. Lucy whimpered and her nails dug into his shoulders. "Keep going like that," she urged and Rip did as told. When he felt her walls clenching tighter around him with her orgasm, he felt his release and pushed himself deeper into her. They both panted and Lucy kissed him gently. Rip pulled out of her and stood her up. She gave him a lazy smile. Rip laughed gently and helped her wash her body.
She left Rip's house and walked back to the lodge. Jamie and Beth were sitting on the porch. They both looked at her. Jamie stood up as she climbed the steps. "Did you know dad had cancer?" He asked accusingly. Lucy swallowed hard. "I overheard him talking about it. I haven't gotten a chance to ask him about it and I wasn't sure what to tell anyone." Lucy's good mood quickly evaporated. Beth sighed and stood up as well. "Well, rumors are going around about it. We have to confront him." Lucy nodded. "I don't know why he would keep that from us. Especially from me. I could have helped." Before either sibling could respond to their baby sister their father's truck was pulling up to the house. The three siblings stood together watching him. John sighed not wanting to know what was about to go down. John eventually exited the truck. "What?" He asked them. "Tell us about cancer," Jamie deadpanned. John was taken back. He looked at his son then at his daughters. He sighed and shrugged. "I had a tumor. It's gone now." Lucy couldn't believe how lightly he was taking this. "That could still present a problem. Cancer can spread, it could come back-" "it won't. I'm fine. Nothing to worry about," he cut Lucy off. "The only thing I want to worry about is talking to you," he directed his eyes to Beth. Beth rolled her eyes and followed him inside. Jamie just shook his head and Lucy quickly followed her father into the house. She sat in the office as her father went off on Beth about her impression in front of the governor. "She is not my mother," Beth said defiantly when asked why she had such a problem with Lynelle. Lucy sighed and looked at her father. She could tell he was angry. "You either toughen up or you can go back to Utah. Don't ever mention your mother to me again. You forfeited that right a long time ago." Beth just stared at him for a second before she got up and left the room. Lucy scoffed and stood up. Her father looked at her. "That's not fair and you know it. You want to know what else isn't fair?! You not telling your children that you had cancer! I work at a fucking hospital. I could have helped you!" Lucy's anger she felt when she first overheard about it was bubbling at the surface. "You want to talk about how we all don't talk and don't act like a family...look at the example we have! We are the way we are because of you. Don't you forget it." Lucy stormed out of the room before he could answer. John sighed and shook his head. He knew he messed up. Lucy was always the one he had in his corner and knew even she was going to push him away after this.
That night Lucy found Rip down at the barn. "Beth and Jamie found out about dad's cancer. We confronted him about it and he acted like it was no big deal! I finally let him have a peace of my mind," she ranted. Rip sighed and walked over to Lucy, pulling her into his arms. "Are you okay?" He asked her. "I feel better that I got it off my chest," she said honestly. Rip nodded and kissed her forehead. "Can I make you dinner?" She asked him hopefully. Rip smiled, "i'd like nothing more." They went back up to his cabin and she looked to see what he had. She decided on pasta with grilled chicken and baked potatoes since he wasn't too fond of salad. She got to cooking. About an hour later they sat down to eat. "This is good, honey. Thank you." Lucy smiled gently. "You're welcome." Lucy enjoyed this. She hoped that she could do this with him for forever. Rip took a sip of his beer. "Will you come move back into the cabin with me?" He asked hopefully. Her phone started ringing. "Sorry," she said and got up to check it. It was Kayce. "Hello?" She answered. "Lucy, I'm at the hospital. Something happened to Monica and no one will tell me anything. I-I don't know what to do."

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