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Lucy rolled her eyes as Beth starts ranting about how they are allowed to talk about work at the breakfast table but not the dinner table. "It is way too early for this," Lucy comments and Beth glares at her. She stood up and stormed out of the dining room. Lucy shook her head in annoyance and pushed her plate away. She had hardly eaten anything. "Fuck this day already," Lucy muttered and left the dining room, going out back through the kitchen. John looked at his sons in confusion then sent Kayce on his way before he got up to follow his youngest. "Lucy!" He called out and she stopped. "What?" She asked and crossed her arms as she faced him. "What's bothering you?" He asked and Lucy scoffed. "It's Rip being regulated to the bunkhouse. How could you do that to him?" She wondered. John sighed and looked down at his boots briefly before looking back at his daughter. "I'm not punishing Rip, Lucy. He is making a sacrifice for the ranch. Trust me, honey, I know his value. I'm not taking advantage of him. Just trust me." Lucy sighed and looked into his eyes. "Alright," she accepted. John laid his hands on her arms and placed a kiss on her forehead. He then went back into the house. Lucy shook her head briefly and turned to look out at the landscape that surrounded her. She closed her eyes briefly as she felt a wave of nausea overcome her. 'I should have eaten,' she thought. After a moment it subsided. Lucy walked back into the house to finish getting herself ready for the day.
Lucy was grateful she didn't have to sit through the meeting with Cassidy Reid again. Instead, she was down at the corrals watching the cowboys having some fun sliding horses with Travis. "Hello, beautiful!" Travis greeted Lucy as she walked toward the fence. She laughed and rolled her eyes. "You're somethin', you know that?" She told him and Travis just laughed. Rip rode over to her. "Hi, darlin'," he greeted her. Lucy smiled and leaned up to press a kiss against his lips. He met her halfway. "Hi," she said back after they pulled away. "You winning against that cocky bastard?" She teased. Travis laughed loudly at her calling him a cocky bastard. The other cowboys laughed too. "I ain't doing too bad," Rip told her. Lucy stood with Ryan and Colby as they watched on. She watches Jimmy walk into the ring and up to Rip and Travis. She looks at Rip confused when she sees Jimmy get on. She knew he wasn't going to be able to win against Travis. She gave Rip a look and shook her head. Rip just chuckled and took a swig of his beer. Lucy watched Jimmy slide the horse, but it was nothing compared to what Travis could do. She sighed as Jimmy lost and Rip ripped into him. Jimmy walked away. Lucy shot a glare at Rip and Travis. She went after Jimmy. "Jimmy!" She called and he stopped. "Yeah?" He questioned. "Why do you need money?" She questioned. Jimmy looked down embarrassed. "I-uh gotta pay some people. They done went after my old man. Gotta get the money to pay them." Lucy sighed and felt bad. "Going against them isn't going to be how you get it. And you aren't paying them either." Jimmy's eyes widened at hearing the last part. "No, it's okay," he stammered out. Lucy held up her hand to silence him and he instantly did. "Let me take care of it. Find something you're good at. Sliding horses isn't it. If you need help figuring out your skills, have Lloyd help you. He used to do rodeos. Save up as much money as you can. If you still need help, come talk to me." She turned to walk away. "Thank you," Jimmy said urgently, not used to having someone look out for him like that. Lucy turned once more to face him. "You're family, Jimmy. As long as you live up to my family's brand, you're a part of it and you'll be treated as such. And you aren't a minnow, Jimmy. You just haven't grown your fins. Once you do, you'll have a meaner bite than all those sharks out there." Jimmy grinned at her and Lucy gave him a smile. She walked back over to Rip. "What'd you tell him?" He asked. "None of your business," she smirked. "Kid just needs someone to be a bit more gentle with him. He's in a bind. He isn't paying you two. He needs to save his money." Rip shook his head. "Now, Lucy, he made a deal-" "I don't care." She walked away, finalizing it. Rip sighed and shook his head, not agreeing with the way she wanted to do things. "Damn, that's some woman you've got," Travis commented. Rip smiled to himself. "Oh I know," he chuckled.
Lucy had just gotten ready for bed and was about to open her book to start reading when Beth slammed her door open. "Dad's room. Now." She demanded and Lucy almost thought she heard a twinge of fear laced in her order. Lucy quickly slid out of bed and walked into her father's room to find Jamie knelt down on the ground, Beth hitting his head. "Enough!" John said. "What's going on?" Lucy asked nervously as she entered the room. Jamie turned to his little sister then back down to look at the ground. "You tell them you son of a bitch!" Beth growled out. "Go outside," John told Beth. Beth reluctantly looked at John then walked over to Lucy. "You come tell me what he said so I make sure he told you the truth," Beth said seriously. Lucy looked at her sister concerned. Beth slammed the door closed behind her. "I've never seen her scared before," Lucy admitted quietly as she walked over to the two men. John grabbed Jamie and threw him onto the couch. "What have you done to me?" John asked Jamie. Lucy felt sick at hearing her father ask her brother that. She looked at Jamie who sat there speechless. John grew anxious knowing that this was truly serious if Jamie didn't want to say. "Goddammit, Jamie!" He growled and threw his glass into the roaring fireplace. Lucy jumped at the actions of her father. Jamie also looked startled. "I-I talked to a reporter. She lied to me and acted like she was a member of my campaign team. She-I told her information and she's gonna write a story..I was upset I wasn't thinking! I'm sorry I didn't mean it!" Lucy's eyes grew wide and she covered her face. "What?!" John demanded and walked over to Jamie. "You fix this. Do you understand me?!" Jamie jumped in his seat and frantically nodded. "I-I'm sorry," he pleaded. Lucy looked at them and John shook his head. "You've ruined this family," he told him. "Get out," he sneered. Jamie quickly scrambled out of the room. Lucy sighed and looked at her father. "We're going to lose this place," he said as he took a seat. Lucy walked over to him. "No we won't," she said confidently. She crouched down in front of him and grabbed his hands. John looked down at his little girl. "Where have I gone wrong with you all?" He questioned quietly. "God, if only your mother was still here." Lucy squeezed his hands gently. "You've done your best, daddy. What Jamie has done is on him, not you. He was selfish and angry and not thinking straight. He'll fix it. I'll make sure of it." John pulled her up gently and kissed her head. "You're my best girl, you know that, Lucy?" He looked into her eyes. Lucy sighed gently and nodded. "I know, daddy." She kissed his cheek gently then left the room. She found Jamie sitting in the den drinking. "You need to call this Sarah lady and tell her you need to meet with her. See if you can talk her into not publishing the story. Offer her money if you have to." Jamie looked up at his little sister. "Okay," he said quietly. Lucy felt exhausted all of a sudden from the events of the day. 'Why do I always have to come up with a solution for everyone's problems?' She thought as she headed back upstairs. She sighed and went into her bedroom. Rip wasn't coming up to her room that night so she instantly climbed into bed and passed out.

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