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Lucy was walking down to the bunkhouse to find Kayce when Ryan grabbed Lucy's arm and pulled her to the side. "What?" She asked confused. "There's a girl in the bunkhouse," he told her. "So?" Lucy asked not caring. "She's a stripper that Rip brought. She's working here now." Lucy felt the blood drain from her face. "A stripper? Are you sure?" Ryan nodded. "Oh I'm sure. Most of us are well acquainted with her..." he trailed off and Lucy fought the urge to gag. Betrayal started rising up her core. "Thanks for telling me," she said and walked away towards the house. She felt anger boiling within her. She knew she didn't have a right to be mad, but she was. Why was Rip close with a stripper and offering her a job at her ranch? It felt like a slap in the face. Lucy stormed through the front door. "Daddy!" She called out. "In my office!" He called back. Lucy stalked over to the bar area in the den and poured herself a shot of whiskey to calm her nerves. She made her way to her father's office, the whiskey decanter in her hand. "Why is there a stripper working on this ranch?" She asked accusingly. John looked up at his daughter and took his readers off. "Honey, what are you talking about?" He asked confused. Lucy set the decanter on his desk with a thud. "There. Is. A. Stripper. Working. Here. Do you understand me now?" John sighed and held the bridge of his nose. "I asked Rip to find me a spy for Dan Jenkins so I can listen to what his plans are." Lucy clenched her fists in anger. "And he though a stripper was the right choice?" She thought allowed. "Honey, please, leave me out of this," John begged. "I'm sorry," Lucy sighed. "I- just..I don't want to lose him," she said truthfully. John nodded. "Then talk to him about it." Lucy grabbed the whiskey and went out on the front porch. She poured herself a glass and leaned back into her chair thinking over what she was going to do about the situation.
"Heard you brought your stripper home!" Lucy called out as she followed after Rip towards his cabin. It had been a long day. Avery gave Rip the tape recording of Dan's plans. Rip and Kayce had dragged Dan out into the woods and had him hanging to try and scare him while he told Kayce the truth. Rip didn't have the time or energy for this right now. "Luce, please, I've had a long day," he started. Lucy scoffed. "Oh I could imagine. I'm sure the whole bunkhouse has. All that pent up sexual tension." Rip rolled his eyes. "For God's sake, Lucy! What do you think I'm doing?! Cheating on you? If that's the case, I wouldn't bring her here!" Lucy swallowed hard and walked up to him. "Why do you know a stripper? And why are you letting her work on my family's ranch?" Rip grabbed Lucy's arm and dragged her into his cabin. "I need a damn drink," he grunted and threw open the refrigerator door to grab himself a beer. Lucy watched in silence as he twisted off the cap, throwing it on the counter and taking a long swig from the bottle. Rip set the bottle on the counter and made eye contact with Lucy. "Let's put the crazy away, alright?" He suggested and Lucy nodded. "You better give me a good explanation," she said. Rip sighed and nodded. "She's an old friend. I watched out for her after some guys were getting too handsy one night when she was stripping. There has never been anything romantic there. The girls had a rough life and had to make money stripping in front of sick men. She owed me a favor and I knew she'd be able to help. She did and in exchange I offered her a job here so she didn't have to go back to stripping." Lucy let his words sink in and she knew he was telling the truth. "Okay," she said. "Okay? That's it?" Rip questioned. "That's it," Lucy finalized. Rip just chuckled and shook his head. "You're fucking crazy," he said into his beer bottle. Lucy smiled to herself and walked over to him. "I can't lose you." She looked up at him and he could see the vulnerability in her eyes. "Darlin, you ain't ever gonna lose me." He set his beer down and cupped her face. Lucy wrapped her arms around him and he held her close. They both let out a sigh, relishing in the feeling of being close to the other.

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