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"Nope work is done it's time to have fun." Kris Statlander said to Andrew as she took his phone. Just as he went to protest she turned his head to where Mariah was. "She's single and apparently has taken an interest in you." He laughed at her words.

"Yeah right.... I'm not stupid Kris. She's way out of my league but good try." He commented before Toni came over. Her arm draped over his shoulders before she spoke.

"Kris isn't lying." He looked over at her for a moment. "I might be the little birdie that let the secret slip."

"Oh would you two fuck off. It's not gonna work. There's no fucking way she would...." Toni stopped him by forcing him to look back at Mariah who was watching them.

"See. We're not fucking with you...." She pulled away before pushing him towards Mariah. "Go have fun. She loves flirting." They could both see him hesitate before he found an out by going towards Skye Blue and Julia Hart.

"Yall need to fucking save me...." He said as his arms draped over their shoulders. "They're fuckin' with me trying to say that Mariah...."

"They're not fucking with you." Skye said as she looked up at him. "She likes your eyes and your accent as well as a few other things...." His eyes rolled.

"Andy.... We're not fucking with you. She does." His head shook not believing Julia's words. "Go and talk to her and see. Toni said you turned red as a tomato when she talked to you."

"I fuckin' did not." He responded immediately. "She uh.... She caught me off guard."

"So what you're saying is you think she's hot but you don't know how to talk to her?" He went silent at Skye's words. The two women exchanged a glance before they pushed him towards Mariah. "Flirt with her. She loves it." Andrew this time didn't have an out as he tripped over an outstretched foot and caught himself on the bar right next to Mariah.

"Well now are you falling for me already?" She said with a smirk as their eyes met. She could see him turn slightly red.

"I uh.... Ah fuck it there's no damn response to that, that'll work. Want a drink?" She laughed as she nodded. "Anything special or...?"

"Why don't you guess." She said as her smirk grew slightly. His eyes met hers for a moment before he chuckled.

"Alrighty then.... Let's see.... Beer is a definite no. I'd say a vodka tonic but that's too basic for you.... You'd drink a mimosa but only in the morning...." She couldn't help but laugh and nod as he went along. "Whiskeys probably too strong for you so.... You know you're really making me think on this one...."

"Least we know the brain works." He laughed at her words before their eyes met.

"Alright wild guess.... A mojito." She nodded before a light chuckle left his lips.

"How'd you know?" His head dropped slightly as he laughed.

"I saw you set your last glass down." She hit him lightly on the arm.

"Now that's bloody cheating." He chuckled lightly.

"Nah it's just being observant." He said as a smile appeared along his lips. He called the bartender over before ordering drinks for the both of them. "So how are you liking it here?" He questioned her as they waited.

"It's taking some getting used to." He chuckled lightly as he nodded.

"It does but you'll get used to it." She eyed him for a moment. He chuckled lightly. "You haven't heard me go full Canadian yet."

"You're Canadian?" He chuckled as he nodded. "You're lying.... That accent is not Canadian."

"And how would you know that?" He took a step towards her getting out of the way of someone who wanted to get to the bar. She shrugged as their eyes met. "Well.... Like I said.... Until you hear me go full Canadian you have no comment."

"I think I do though Love. Especially when you're lying." His eyebrow raised.

"Am not. Was born in Saskatoon." She laughed at his words.

"You made that up." Their eyes met and he could see she was challenging him.

"What aboot this eh? This Canadian enough for you ma chèrie?" He fully brought out his Canadian side as he spoke. When he saw her bite her lower lip and nod, he bit the inside of her cheek.

"You speak French?" He chuckled and nodded. "Well I'm fucked...." The words were meant to be said under her breath but the came out loud enough from him to hear. She turned red as she heard him lightly chuckle.

"You know.... That's what I thought when I heard your accent." Her eyes flicked to his.

"Now that's a lie." His head instantly shook.

"Not in the slightest." He said with a smile along his lips. His eyes moved away from hers for a moment before she could feel his hand carefully slip to her forearm. She was gently pulled into him before she could feel a mass of bodies behind her. As she looked up at him she knew had he not moved her she would've been smashed again the bar. "Sorry.... I uh...."

"You're fine. Much rather prefer this than whatever the fuck would've happened with that." He nodded at her words as their eyes met.

"Andy!" She bit back a laugh as she heard him groan. Gently she squeezed his forearm before he turned towards where the voice was coming from. "Ahhhh! You finally fucking came out! I thought they were lying!" He was smashed into a tight hug by Saraya. As the darker haired woman pulled away she could see Mariah trying to act like she wasn't behind him. "Oh my god I'm always the fucking cock block aren't I?" Andrew turned bright red as he stepped away from Saraya. The two women's eyes met before the blonde spoke up.

"No but would you bug off." Saraya's eyebrow raised momentarily before she nodded and quickly disappeared.

"How come it's that fuckin' easy with you eh? Take me a damn hour to get her out the way." A light laugh escaped Mariah's lips as he turned towards her.

"Because I know not to cut corners with her. Tell her to fuck off or she'll talk your ear off." He chuckled lightly and nodded. "Do you...?" She trailed off as their eyes met.

"Want to get out of here and chat?" She nodded as he finished her question. "Think I'd like that." A smile formed along her lips before their empty drinks were set on the bar top. Mariahs arm laced gently with Andrew's before she spoke.

"So would I."

The Thirst Trap (Mariah May x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt