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"Bonjour Chère." Mariah instantly leaned back into the body behind her before she could feel Andrew's lips press quickly against her cheek. "I've got to run.... I've got a meeting with Tony.... Everything set with you both though?" Mariah's lips pressed to his cheek as she pushed Toni away who had been attempting to do the same.

"Would you bloody stop." Andrew chuckled at the words.

"Thank you." He said quickly before Toni groaned.

"Yous are no bloody fun. But yes. We're set Andy." He chuckled as he nodded.

"See you both in a few then." He gently squeezed Mariah's hip before disappearing into the crowd that was backstage.

"Wonder what he's talking to Tony about." The blonde said.

"Probably one of the matches." Mariah said as the two went back to stretching. Nearly twenty minutes later he came back and carefully pulled her aside. "Whats up Babes?" She could see a smile along his lips as their eyes met.

"Got Tony to approve your trip to the UK." It took nearly a minute for his words to register before he was smashed into a tight hug.

"I'd kiss you right now but if I mess up my makeup again they will murder me." He chuckled lightly before he gently squeezed her.

"Don't worry about it Chère. But your flight does leave at like four in the morning." Her eyes met his.

"Looks like you're either keeping me up or you'll be waking me up to take me to the airport." His eyebrow raised.

"I've got to take you eh?" They could both hear her get called. A quick nod came from Mariah before she turned as she replied to Andrew.

"Kinda your job now Babes."

"You know you're lucky you're worth it Chère because I think I'm going to have to take a nap in my car before driving back to the hotel." Andrew said before he could feel Mariah's lips press to his.

"You have no bloody clue how much I appreciate this Drew." His lips met her cheek before she turned and connected their lips again.

"Trust me when I say I do. I'm a family person too Chère and when you get the opportunity to spend time with them you take it." He looked over at her and just as he did her lips met his. "Would you like me to come in with you or...?"

"Would you please?" He nodded at her words before his lips met hers once more. "You sure you can't come." He chuckled lightly.

"I've gotta get some things ready for the Canada tour...." Her eyebrow raised. "Let's grab your bags. I'll tell you about what we all usually do when we've got a trip in Canada." A smile appeared along her lips before she nodded. "So.... When we have a longer trip we all road trip around the country."

"And how would you do that?" He chuckled lightly.

"I have a bus Chère. I got it way back when, when I was touring around the northeast and Canada. Used to be a lot shittier then and Kris always gave me shit but when my neck went I fixed it up and now we use it when we have trips around Canada. But you've gotta commit to being on a bus and driving around all of Canada for a few weeks." She looked over at him.

"Is that your way of inviting me?" He laughed as his head shook.

"No chère. My way of inviting you is this.... Would you like to join us? It's Kris, Willow, Skye and Kyle, Toni and Juice, possibly Jamie and I think Harley and Saraya were contemplating it." Her eyes met his.

"I'll come but I'm convincing Harley so be ready for the radio to get stolen." He chuckled.

"Fine by me Chère. The more the merrier as always and there's more than enough space. It's an old school bus that's basically been made into a tour bus on the inside." He could feel her arm interlace with his as they walked. Her hand moved to his forearm soothingly running along it. "We stop whenever anyone needs or want to. It's a lot of fun and just chill in all honesty.... We just don't sleep on the bus. Gets too cold unfortunately in the winter...."

"Please tell me you're willing to share a room with me because as much as I love Harley and 'Raya you're much neater." He couldn't help but laugh at her words.

"Of course Chère. Would be a bit sad if you wanted to room with them instead." She looked up at him.

"Is that so?" A smile appeared along his lips as he nodded. "Good because I would've been too." He gently squeezed her hand before she leaned into him as they waited in the line for her to check in. "You know I really appreciate this." His lips discreetly pressed to her cheek.

"I know Chère and I hope you have an amazing time." She looked up at him and their eyes met.

"You know I wish you could come...." There was a smile along his lips as he nodded.

"I know Chère. But there's always next time and maybe then Tony will let you go for more than a week." She tiptoed before her lips quickly met his cheek.

"Just work your magic because I'd love to show you around England Babes." His arm gently moved around her waist before she could feel him squeeze her in a light hug.

"I'd love that too Chère." When she leaned up and her lips pressed to his they could both see and hear the flash of a camera.

"Shit...." He gently squeezed her once more.

"Was probably nothing Chère and if it wasn't...." Their eyes met. "Not a big deal." He said with a smile. Mariah didn't even hesitate. She tiptoed before her lips connected with Andrew's. As she replied a smile grew along her lips.

"You know.... You don't realize how much of a treasure you are Babes."

The Thirst Trap (Mariah May x OC)Where stories live. Discover now