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"So where did you and Andy sneak off to last night?" Saraya questioned Mariah. Harley instantly leaned forwards wanting to know the younger woman's answer.

"We were going to go back to the hotel to chat but he wound up getting a call of some sort." They could both hear the disappointed tone in her voice.

"Take his phone next time...." She looked at Saraya like she was crazy. "Just.... Trust me okay. It's usually work and while he doesn't need to answer he does because he loves doing it that much. Kris takes his phone all the time. Think the only reason why she gave it back to him last night was to try and get your number." There was a slight smirk along Mariah's lips.

"He got it." A quiet squeal came from Harley. "Quiet would yous. I don't need everyone knowing my business." Harley's eyes rolled.

"Oh fuck off. I'm happy for you. He's bloody hot." Mariah's eyes rolled at Harley's words before she took a sip of her coffee. As she went to set her cup on the small table between the three of them her eyes locked with Andrew's. He flashed her a quick smile and gave her a small wave before he disappeared into the crowd of people in the lobby.

"Oh she's got it bad." Saraya commented getting a nod from Harley and an eye roll from the younger woman.

"I do not." Mariah replied instantly. They both laughed at her words not believing them in the slightest. "I just...." She tried to hold back her smirk but couldn't. "Want to get to know him better."

"Him.... Or hiiiiimmm." Harley dodged the slap meant for her as she laughed.

"You're an ass." Mariah stated as Kris and Toni walked by the table. "Him as in the person. I'm not a ho."

"You have fun last night?" Kris commented earning the middle finger she got.

"They got interrupted." Saraya replied making Kris stop.

"You're fucking kidding me.... I knew I shouldn't have given him his phone back." She looked over at Mariah for a moment. "Take it from him next time. Don't let him answer it. He's so stupid when it comes to work." When Mariah nodded Kris and Toni went back to their walk and conversation.

"See." Saraya said matter of factly.

"How in the bloody hell do you all know so much about him yet I've just met him?" The other two women lightly laughed at Mariah's question.

"Because he's done a lot with the outcast stuff. Was the one that came up with Toni's whole change and was actually the one who pushed for me to win the belt at Wembly. He just will never admit to any of it. You also know that you're the type to keep to yourself and so is he so honestly not surprising you two haven't met." Saraya explained.

"He's one of those that's shy until he's not. Give him some time and I'm sure he'll be flirting with you till your little heart can't take it anymore." Harley continued earning an eye roll. "Oh don't give me the sass. You'll be head over heels in no time. Or should I say.... Have your heels touching your head in no time." Mariah turned bright red before hitting Harley hard.

"Would you bloody stop." They could both tell the younger woman was getting annoyed by the conversation.

"Alright. Alright. We'll stop. Just don't hit me anymore." Harley said. "But I want to know if he texts." It was almost as if in cue that Mariah's phone lit up. All three of them looked at the screen before exchanging a glance. It was almost as if in unison that they all dove for it.

"I." Mariah tried to wrestle the phone out of Saraya's grasp. "Will." Harley grabbed Mariah's wrists holding her back. "Murder you both." Mariah's said before she finally broke free and got her phone. "Would you both grow up." There was a touch of anger in her tone as she grabbed her coffee and walked away. Mariah looked down at her phone her face fell slightly as she saw it wasn't a message from him after all. Just as she looked up she ran right into another person. "I'm so-." She stopped as she looked up and her eyes met a grey pair.

"Seems like we keep meeting like this." Andrew said with a light chuckle. He took a careful step away his hand staying along her arm to make sure she wouldn't fall as he did. "I'm uh.... Sorry about last night.... Is uh.... Any chance I could make it up to you?" He was stumbling over his words and she couldn't help but find it cute.

"You can.... But under one condition...." Their eyes met before he chuckled.

"They all told you didn't they?" She nodded before he lightly laughed and handed her his phone. "Condition met?"

"How do you know I have time now?" He turned bright red at her words. "My lord are you easy.... Of course but you better know somewhere good for breakfast."

"I do. Mind a little walk?" Her head shook before a smile appeared along his lips. "Follow me then." As they walked towards the exit he could feel her hand slip to his arm.

"Kris, Harley!" Toni turned the two as she saw Mariah and Andrew walk out the door.

"Let operation fuck Danny begin." Harley said with a smirk.

"You know how long it's been since I've seen him like that...? Seems like they're both forgetting about everything." Kris commented before the two blondes nodded.

"Let's just hope she's got his phone." Toni laughed at Harley's comment.

"She got it when they first started talking." They both raised their eyebrows at Toni's words. "Oh yeah.... She's learning and he's falling."

"Gonna do them both some good." Kris said quietly.

"Him more than her. Shes going to break the turtle out of his shell." Toni responded earning a laugh from the brunette. When Kris spoke next both women couldn't help but nod in agreement.

"Let's fucking hope so. He needs someone like her to do that."

The Thirst Trap (Mariah May x OC)Where stories live. Discover now