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There was nothing but silence as they all waited. Kris' shaking hand was in Mariah's as the brunette silently cried. She had been crying since Andrew's surgery had started and they all knew it was from the guilt she was feeling.

"Kris.... He wouldn't want you crying." Saraya said quietly as she knelt down in front of Kris. As her hand moved to rest along Kris' knee their eyes met. "Hes the idiot that got into the ring when he knows he shouldn't."

"I barely fucking hit him 'Raya.... I don't fucking get it." Mariah gently pulled Kris' into a side hug as a sob escaped her lips.

"It's like he's always said it takes the wrong angle.... You didn't do anything wrong Kris. This was his stupid fucking neck...." Saraya said.

"And his stubbornness getting the best of him." Toni commented before they all nodded. "He's going to be fine."

"What if he can't...? I can't be the one that did that to him." Kris could feel Mariah gently squeeze her.

"He'd never blame you like he never blames the other guy...." She said quietly.

"Honestly Kris.... Even with this all he probably wouldn't have been able to anyway.... His neck is worse than mine and even I was lucky to be back wrestling.... He just...." Saraya couldn't finish.

"He just couldn't admit it like none of us can." Toni finished what she was saying. Silence fell upon the waiting room once more. Everyone knew the surgery could be quick or last the entire day. It just wound up being how complex everything was.

"'Raya what the fuck is going on?" Natalya said as she and her husband TJ Wilson walked into the room. Saraya was onto her feet and smashing her old friend into a hug in an instant.

"Andy took a bump wrong and his neck...." Her eyes met TJ's and she could see his face drop. "Hes been in surgery for the past two hours...."

"Beans and Bret are on their way. They're just fighting with airlines right now." Saraya nodded as a breath escaped her lips. "Why was the idiot in a fucking ring, I swear he never learns...."

"Can take the wrestler out of the ring.... But can't take the love of the ring out of the wrestler." Tj commented earning a nod from those who heard it.

"I'm sorry Nattie." Kris said as their eyes met.

"Don't you even start to apologize. He's the one that knew better." Natalya said before pulling Kris into a hug. Everyone settled back into their chairs quiet conversations being had.

"How's it been going backstage with him?" TJ questioned Saraya after a bit. A light laugh escaped her lips as she smiled.

"It's been fucking amazing." She admitted. TJ had been the one to get Andrew into the behind the scenes work. Basically acting like a mentor to the younger man as he knew that it was unlikely Andrew would wrestle again. "Have you seen the stuff that Toni's been doing?" TJ nodded.

"All Andy." A chuckle escaped his lips as he smiled. "And what's he's got cooked up for the future is even better." Toni said as she gently squeezed Mariah's thigh.

"And all that with Skye and Julia if you've been watching...." TJ nodded at Kris' words. "All him too. Hes basically been getting us all matches we all have been dying to have because he's trying to show the big man that we deserve some more time."

"You all do. It's about time there was more than one match on a show.... Hell it would be nice to see you all have some more time in general." TJ commented.

"Andy's working on it slowly. Especially with the storylines." Toni replied with a smile. "Honestly wouldn't trust anyone else with that task." All of the women that had been listening nodded.

"Hes found his place that's for sure." Natalya commented.

"You're bloody right he has." Harley replied. "And yous can't steal him." Both Natalya and TJ laughed.

"Would never happen. We tried but he's never liked our company." Her eyebrow raised at TJ's comment. "His story not ours but he doesn't like the way it's run. Likes the freedom of working for a place like where you all work." Toni and Kris knew there were other reasons as well but that was his main one. "Less people to go through to give the people that deserve it the spotlight. You can ask Nattie. Pulling teeth would be easier than trying to get some of the storylines I've wanted through. Not that I mind. I love the challenge but with a mind like Andy's.... Would be wasted if he were backstage with us."

Another comfortable silence fell over the room. However this time it didn't last very long. Slowly everyone began to converse with quiet conversations had all around.

"So tell me something 'Raya...." Natalya started as they went to get coffee. "Who's the blonde next to Kris that's been holding back tears? I recognize her but can't put a face to the name." Saraya looked over at the other woman before lightly laughing.

"That would be Mariah May.... Though if we want to properly introduce you to her should start with she's the one to break the turtle out of his shell." Natalya stopped and looked over at Saraya who simply laughed. "I know. Mr. Too shy to talk to a woman, broke out of his shell to talk to her. Took her on a date and everything...."

"And now this...." Saraya let out a sigh before nodding. "Idiot...."

"Tell me about it.... The date was last night.... Just started to get to know her and then goes and gets into a ring...." Their eyes met for a moment.

"He'll never learn but we'll also never stop him." Saraya nodded at the blondes words. "About time he found someone that peaked his interest...." Natalya said before she could hear Saraya finish her statement.

"Especially after Max."

The Thirst Trap (Mariah May x OC)Where stories live. Discover now