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"So why wrestling?" Mariah questioned Andrew. The two had been going back and forth with questions, trying to get to know the other more.

"Kinda been a family thing if I'm being honest. Think there's only a handful of us that aren't involved in the business at all." Her eyebrow raised as their eyes met. A light chuckle escaped his lips. "You don't know my last name.... I forgot...." Her curiosity peaked.

"What is it?" He chuckled as their eyes met.

"Hart." She almost instantly stopped.

"And you didn't think to mention that before?" A light chuckle escaped his lips.

"Honestly was nice having someone not know it." He said with a smile before he could see her studying him. "Trying to figure out who?" She lightly laughed while nodded.

"Don't tell me. I want to guess.... Because now that you've told me I can see it.... But I want to see if I can narrow it down." He nodded at her words as their eyes met again.

"The eyes won't help you. That's the only thing I'll give you." She laughed lightly as she nodded before she took a better look at him. She studied him for a long bit taking in the fact that he had dark brown hair that was short and well kept. He was built and muscular as well as had a few inches on her.

"Okay I need another hint." She said after a bit of trying to figure it out.

"I feel like any hint I give you is going to make you instantly get it...." He said but knew that it would take her hours if she guessed. "The best there is...."

"No fucking way." He chuckled lightly. "You're lying."

"If you hand me my phone I'll show you.... And I promise even if Tony calls I won't answer." Their eyes met before she smiled. He was handed his phone before she was shown a picture of Andrew and his father Bret Hart. "Never really liked to use my last name. Tony actually didn't know until Dad showed up one day and wanted to see things."

"Why not?" He turned his phone off and set it on the table between them before their eyes met.

"Never really liked to, to be honest.... There's always that stigma that comes having the same last name as someone so big in the industry. You've all but got to live up to it or you're just about a disgrace. Honestly hid my last name for the longest time. Was one of the reasons why I went to New York was because I could kinda get away from it all and nobody really questioned it." He explained. "In Canada, I used my last name and it was constant questions and critiques everywhere. Decided that when I came here I would just go by something else. Only people that questioned it were the people that saw my drivers license. Honestly took probably four maybe five years of wrestling here before people questioned it. Kris was actually one of the first ones that did. Then like a month or so after everyone found out was dropped on my head because it became oh shit he's hitmans kid put him in the ring with anyone we want to go somewhere. Didn't work though because the one kid that could've was the one to end my career." His eyes were on her as he slowly told the story trying to gauge her reaction.

"Thats awful.... I'm sure your wrestling spoke for itself." He chuckled lightly as his eyes met hers.

"I hope it did but if not it's not that big of a deal. Much rather prefer what I'm doing now. Honestly love the fact that I can give the people that deserve it their time to shine more than anything. Love getting to be the voice for people rather than the one begging for a match or some bullshit standard in the industry to change." She looked at him for a moment. "Tony is so hell bent on there only being one women's match a show because he doesn't think they're drawing. I may or may not be gathering up a group of people to change his mind."

"I would love to be one of those people." He nodded as their eyes met.

"Would love that as well. Now.... Your turn to tell me...." There was a slight smirk along his lips. "What got you into wrestling?"

"My two older brothers. Figured I wrestled them enough as a kid and had enough fun doing it that I should just make a job out of it." He chuckled lightly at her words. "I know. Not as glamorous as your story."

"Because mine is? Which one of us is still wrestling?" Her eyes met his. "And don't feel sorry for me. Honestly wouldn't change anything that happened."

"Just shitty that you can't. Would've loved to see you in the ring." He chuckled. "You really can't do it at all?"

"I can bump for a bit but I'm still not one hundred percent. Probably never will be. To be honest I probably shouldn't even be bumping but I really can't help it...." He could see her studying him.

"How bad was your injury?" Mariah questioned.

"It's up there as one of the worst injuries in the books wrestling wise. I want to say when the doctor compared it to something he basically said that I was ejected from a car going a hundred and twenty kilometers and hit a brick wall. It was all about the angle I was in unfortunately. The only thing I remember before I went out was feeling the back of my skull hit my shoulder blades." Her mouth dropped at Andrew's words. "To put it on a scale of people you've got Bryan or Copeland who are in my opinion best case scenarios. Take a step up you've got Saraya. Then you go up to Stone Cold and I've been pretty much told I'm somewhere between Stone Cold and TJ. Which TJ was.... God.... I honestly think about what happened with I'm and my neck fucking hurts. My fusion was lower than his so I got a bit luckier but not by much if I'm being honest. Would truly be a miracle if I was ever able to get into a ring and wrestle again."

"Yet you're crazy enough to bump." He lightly laughed as their eyes met.

"There's people I trust and people I don't. Even then there's some people that I trust that I still won't get into the ring with. Like I love Toni but one throw and I knew I couldn't. Kris can throw me but doesn't have the impact Toni does. Just like Jamie. Love running the ropes with her because she can keep up with my speed but the second she starts to do more than that I've gotta get out. If not the next day feels like I was in a car crash...." Her head shook.

"You're crazy." He chuckled at her words.

"I am and I'm not. I just love what I do and sometimes it easier to show people than explain. Don't get in the ring often but when I do I'll get thrown around for a bit to have some fun." There was a smile along his lips as he spoke. "You'll see I'm sure."

"I'm not throwing you around Drew. No way in bloody hell." Mariah shot back instantly. His eyes found their way to hers at the use of the nickname. It wasn't commonly used as most opted to call him Andy.

"Why not?" Andrew couldn't help his smirk as he challenged her.

"Because there's no way in hell I'm going to be the cause of you getting more injured." She replied back.

"Oh come on chère.... I've seen you in the ring. You'd be fine, nothing would happen." Her head shook. "You scared or something chère?" Mariah couldn't help but notice the use of the nickname as Andrew challenged her. When she replied he couldn't help his smile.

"I just don't want to hurt you, Drew."

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