Bell of the Ball - Part 1

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"Robin, you watching?" Barbara asked, clad in a form fitting black dress and her mother's diamond packed necklace.

"Copy." Jason's voice cracked through. They had found the security room swiftly and tied up anyone involved in that security situation. "Nightwing, your fly is down."

Dick looked down and frowned. He was in a perfectly fitted striped suit with a blue tie.

"Made you look."

"Keep your eyes out." Barbara instructed. "For real problems, Robin."

Jason chuckled, "On your point, Batgirl."

"Mingle and see what you can find." Barbara stopped abruptly, causing Dick to bump into her. They separated awkwardly; Dick was blushing.

"Sorry." He said with a meek smile.

Barbara gave him light taps on the cheek, "Go get 'em, boy wonder."

Dick grin widened and he gave her a small nod. He turned made a B-line straight for a group of women. Barbara watched him walk, he had quite the ass. Barbara shook her head, suppressing a smile as she too started looking around. She froze when she saw her target. Award winning Author, Reporter, Documentarian Lois Lane. Barbara looked herself up and down. Pulled her phone from her clutch and checked her make up.

"Still look like a middle schooler did this." She frowned. "Fuck it. Now or never, Babs."

Barbara strolled up to Lois, who was clearly looking to leave the conversation she was in. Barbara took a deep breath in and as she got close, she turned her head. Lois' boyfriend was approaching too. Barbara rushed forward and bumped into Clark Kent. Her attempt to knock his drink into his lap backfired. Barbara slammed into Mr. Kent and it was like hitting a brick wall. Barbara bounced off him and to the floor. Soon, a third of the party was staring at her.

"I'm so sorry!" Kent turned to her, gracefully putting his glass onto a passing worker. "Can I help you up?"

Barbara slowly stood, with a hand up. "I'm sorry. I was just eager to meet your girlfriend." She pointed to Lois.

"OH!" Lois grinned. "That's me." She stood quickly and walked up to Clark and Barbara. She put a light, almost possessive, hand on Clark. "Clark, you clumsy dork. I'm sorry for my boyfriend. He can be a bit mindless. Name's Lois Lane."

"I know!" Barbara said, a little too excitedly.

Lois grinned and shared a look with Clark. "So, what's your name?"

"Uh. Gordon. Barbara Gordon."

"What are you, James Bond?" Jason's voice cracked into her ear.

"You wouldn't happen to be related to –"

"Detective Jim Gordon." Barbara jumped as her father's warm, familiar hands touched her shoulders. "Lois, Clark. Is there a reason you're here in Gotham?"

"Yes." Lois nodded. "Charity event supposedly."

"Right." Clark stepped forward. "It's been a long time, Detective."

"Barbara." Lois looked to Barbara's father then to her. "I would love to walk and talk."

Jim let go of Barbara's shoulders. "Too right." He and Barbara shared a look then. While she was expecting anger or dismissiveness, he instead looked exuberant. "It's so good to see you out and about on the town, Babs." They shared a hug.

"I..." Barbara shook her head. "I – I will dad. Thanks." The realization that they were both at work. Barbara noted the gun, near his left breast. His chain that likely led to his detective badge, tucked right under his three-piece suit. Barbara had work to do to though. "You've always been telling me to get out of the town more. When I landed an invitation here, I jumped at the opportunity."

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