Bedtime Routine- RONAN

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Sai's house is a two-story cylindrical home. There are wild flowers planted in the whole surrounding area, leaving almost no room for any regular old grass to show. Inside, his place is pretty bare. We've only just moved back from our stations, and there's still boxes all over the place. His family doesn't live with him, so no one was able to set up his things ahead of time like my family was able to.

Sai doesn't talk much about his family, but looking at the state of his place, it felt really lonely. My heart was reaching for him, but I couldn't find the words. Kaya could.

"This place could use a little touching up, huh? Should we set up some of your furniture and unpack some of your things? I'm feeling a little restless with so much that looks like it needs doing," She smiled. 

She does not look restless, she looks about ready to fall over. But, she also doesn't look like she's going to take no for an answer. Her jaw is set in determination and there's a glint in her eyes that I'm beginning to recognize as her face when she's found a hill she's ready to die on. 

Sai let out a breath, clearly knowing how stubborn she will be if he says no, "Alright Kaya, let's see what we can get done in ten minutes."

Ten minutes ended up being quite a bit with Kaya's gifts. She had set up a small green couch set, a square table with bench seating, and unloaded all of Sai's cooking appliances and seasonings. She got out a bunch of travel toothbrushes and had one ready for each of us in the bathroom while we got ready for bed. I didn't even see when she put some little decorations she found into a few places to give the home a more welcoming feeling. How was she moving so quickly when she was so exhausted? I noticed Deirdre and Sai bowed out of helping, deciding to just watch as she worked. I found that I, myself, had also stopped to watch and admire the efficiency and thought Kaya put into creating a nice space for Sai. 

She got to the point where there were only a few boxes left of clothes and various trinkets that Sai needed to find homes for.

"Kaya, you really got moving there.. Thank you so much, Angel. You really are a savior," Sai said, pulling Kaya into a hug.

"Where's my 'thank you'?" Deirdre pouted, and Sai pulled her and I into the hug as well. She gave a mischievous grin and winked at me.  

"You two shit bags mostly just watched and did some minor things, it was Kaya who did most of the work, but I'll hug you anyways," Sai muttered, squeezing us all together. "Let's get ready for bed."

Sai, Deirdre and I were all hanging out in what Sai said was going to be his big master bedroom. Kaya had excused herself to get ready for bed, which we had managed to do in the ten minute wait time.

 Sai has one feather bed that can comfortably fit two people, and two cots laid out on the floor. The three of us, upstairs, looked at each other. Sai opened his mouth to speak, but I quickly threw a punch.

"If anyone gets to sleep in a double bed, it's going to be me," I half-yelled, half-whispered, not wanting Kaya to hear.

Sai dodged my fist and came back with his own, "It's MY fucking bed, dipshit!" He met my tone with his own whisper-yell. Deirdre grabbed us both by the hair.

"If anyone is going to sleep with Kaya, it's me, because we're both girls and I will not have you tainting her with your man musk," she hissed.

"You're fucking attracted to her, too,  Deirdre, and you probably would soak the bed as soon as Kaya touched the damn covers," Sai gritted out, flailing in her grasp.

I elbowed her in the kidney. Thank you, Kaya, for the excellent idea.

"We spent all day together, and I'm sure she would fit best with me, just like we did on the horse! If she isn't touching me, she'll miss me after our time today!!" I wrenched out of Deirdre's grip and put her in a chokehold.

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