🐉🕊️🕊️Akira Toriyama 🕊️🕊️🐉

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Hey Guys it's been a minute huh.......? What it's been like 2....3 years since I actually updated this book? Or actually like wrote something on here??

I'm in no way worthy of writing something for someone of a high caliber such as the Akira Toriyama himself but a great deal of what he's accomplished is part of the reason why I even joined Wattpad.

Growing up I always wanted to be an artist and I guess watching Dragon Ball really inspired me to create my own art. I'm sad that I stopped actually creating art (in the drawing media) but I've done other things over the years. I feel like Dragon Ball as a whole made everyone come together in some way or another. Like especially if people were too scared or weirded out about even watching Anime to begin with.

Dragon Ball was one of my first ever Anime I ever watched (next to Inuyasha) I remember going over to my grandmas house and my very first memory of it was when I say Kid Goku turn into the huge Mega Ozzaru form and my grandma thought he was a demon (Lol) but from there I fell in love with the series and was hooked and all my cousins and siblings were would watch it (back then in aired on Cartoon Network to soon later be on Toonami) (also I love how I keep saying "back then" as if I'm old asf XD)  as I gotten older and more educated on Dragon Ball as a whole it further filled my mind with love towards shonun anime and eventually I wanted to one day create my own Manga. (Clearly that didn't work) but I at least wanted to draw my own ocs for my own enjoyment let alone get good enough to draw my own characters

When I found out that other people felt the same I was ecstatic. Imagine being someone like Akira and just one day created something unknowing the impact on how it would bring so many people together and inspire them to make their own adaptations to it?? Or even make their own stories?? Loads of manga artists have gotten inspired because of Dragon Ball and it honestly shows sometimes too!!

And it's not even from just drawing or making art You can literally tried to talk to someone that legit hates anime and think it's weird to the point that they would literally get defensive?? But just one mention of Dragon Ball or just even saying Goku's name and in almost an instant all that frustration goes away and it's nothing but pure engaging conversation.

I'm.......not really the best when it comes to expressing myself with sad things happen like this but I guess all I'm trying to say is Thanks for all the good memories Akira Rest Well King

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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