Phone Drama

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Ok so there is a perfect reason to why I haven't been updating ANY OF MY STORIES and the reason why is because of my OLD GODDAMN PHONE.... but before I can tell u guys the details, ya need to know the backstory first.....................

Ok so remember the time I was spazzing out over how I cracked my iPhone 6s (GO TO PHONE MURDERER IF YOU DONT REMEMBER) yea got worse, like Waaaaaay WORSE.

So it all started when I was in my Chemistry class. We were getting ready for the upcoming seminar which btw I FUCKING HATE THOSE UGH!!!!! Anyways I had set my phone down for one second on the table and you know since the screen was cracked like very bad but it was still useable(That is if you like having (MULTIPLE SCARS ON UR FUCKING FACE!!!!) thank GOD FOR HEADPHONES!!!!!!

So I set it down cuz I was going to charge it. Now idk if this was Karma being a bitch to me for something that happened EARLIER THAT DAY (which I'll tell you guys later) but when I finally found my charger after fishing through my backpack for like HOURS my phone looked like this..........(look at the top)

Yea but imagine 1/4 of the screen at that time looked like that and it was so fucking annoying because it's started glitching like crazy! IT ALSO WAS SMOKING! Like I'm surprised it didn't EXPLODE!!!

But anyways I was pissed and it got worse so yea I was Enraged.................... and oh yea remember when I said Karmas a bitch well here's why.

Ok so like I was in ceramics with a DECENTLY FUNCTIONAL PHONE, listening to my jams....and my sub ceramics teacher ms. Harvey was all like hey Kenzie you want some artwork" and I was all like sure I'll take some" Now let's go even farther back...

Now there some kid out there that has the same ceramics class as I do but in a different period, and this unknown person at the time was notorious for making...... well mainly WASTING CLAY to make LETTERS.... yes I said it letters like not their name or initials no just letters and I would be the SAME GODDAMN LETTER. S Yes the letter S and they kept making them because they kept breaking in the Kiln or getting stuck to other works. So basically if our class saw any S's we were told to break them, to teach the bastard to stop doing it and it work a little......... until one day.

So because I voluntarily volunteered to help the teacher since everyone was being a bitch to help her since she short and can't bend down to reach the bottom of the kiln or pick the those heavy concrete shelves you put in there, I'm the only one she trusts to load in the kiln. So I followed her to the kiln room and she says this to me.

"The bitch done struck again"

"What do u mean "

"I mean that letter making bastard."

"Seriously I thought we got rid of that problem"

"It would have seem so, but no."

"Dammit, ok let me guess another S?"

"Your guess was as good as mine but sadly? Your wrong."


"The retarded bimbo try to throw me off and made a J and a K this time." "And it almost worked!!"

"But why did u call the person a "bimbo"?"

"The dirty little shit gotta be white cuz ain't no way in hell a black person gonna do some dumb white shit like this Kenzie."


"Whew sorry bout that, got a little worked up."

"Right. It's cool, but what do I have to do with this?

"Huh oh right!! Do ya want em?"

"Eh idk that's technically stealing."

" it's also a waste of clay considering that makin letters has NOTHING TO DO WITH A FAMILY TEA SET the project that were CURRENTLY ON RIGHT NOW!!!"


"Agh again sorry I'm getting frustrated again, look I want u to take em what to ya say?"

"Well I guess I'll take the K since it's in my name and such."

So what should we do with the J, cuz I really want to break that shit in front of the goddamn bimbos FACE!!!"

"Ok well you see you can do that if you want to achieve a lawsuit and possibly going to jail for child abuse so yea."


"You know what I'll just take it."


So I put it in the kiln, then I had to glaze it and put it back in the kiln and I had to wait like 2 weeks for this but I finally got them and I actually saw the person that made them because she was complaining about who took her shit and all.

So yea that's what happened and how my phone pretty much DIED THAT DAY📱

And how i went 1 MONTH without a phone...... and it was annoying cuz I couldn't watch half the shit I wanted to watch on my parents phone(DONT THINK DIRTY) stuff like vine or trap music or dbz... yea my parents mainly my dad think it's stupid. Or Ssj9k, calebcity Reggie couz, prince vegeta and other youtubers

But yea that's my reason for why I didn't update and was absent for a month..... peace

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