Random Conversations that we have in class

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Me: Jesús I hate ur MOM (idk)

:Jesús well u a low hoe

Me: a low hoe?

Jesús: yes bitch a low hoe.

Me: Bruh wait can there be like pimps for low hoes?

Dania: Like why r we even talking about this?

Me: Cuz we're us we wouldn't be normal if we didn't

Brenda: you guys are weird.

Me: your even weirder since ur still siting with us.

Brenda: fair point.

Morgan: oh um I zoned out what we talking about?

Me: So anyways yea are there anything's such as low pimps

Jesús: yea the the lowest of low cuz they poor as shit and can't handle money well so they be grabbing on them low hoes.

Me: I'm a low pimp name low back bitch!!!!

Everyone: Laughs

Jesús: Bruh what is wrong with us

Me: idk, I blame it on dank memes

Brenda: I agree

Jesús: yep.


Morgan: let me touch ur wenis *reaches over and rubs elbow slowly*

Me: what the fuck?!

Morgan: let me touch ur wenis

Me:....................the hell is wrong with u?

Morgan: idk

Me: I wonder if someone actually would get attracted to that like they'll be like "yes touch my wenis my elbow is ready!!!!!"........... yea no.

Morgan: oh hey guys what I actually have the lesbian flag on my hat and I didn't even know until now!!!!

Me: wait I thought you were pan/questioning

Morgan: yea?

Me: but u have a boyfriend as well....

Morgan: yea to be honest idk anymore I was pan at one point and now I'm confused?

Me:....... anyways so hold on imma look this shit up real quick...... looks up *lesbian flag* huh it really does exist.

Morgan: ikr?! I thought the gay flag was for both gay and lesbians but I guess not

Me: well it is different.

Morgan: lol idk hey while ur at it, can u look up auto-sexual for me?

Me:Sure but what's that's?

Jesús: being sexually attracted to automobiles???!!!!



Me: get a life man


Me: ok looking up now......huh so apparently it's when you refers to someone who has a great deal of trouble responding to someone else sexually but can respond fairly or very well to his (or her) own touch.

Morgan: So in other words love masturbation over someone pounding in to u?

Me: pretty much.......yea

Morgan: pro masturbate!!!!!!

Me: heh that's me everyday 😏😏😏

Morgan:........*bursts out in laughter*

Me: *joins her*

Jesús: what's so funny?

Me: *whispers what happened 5mins ago*

Jesús: ...........fam ur WILD YOU NEED JESUS ASAP!!

Me: ok how do u plan on helping me today?

Jesús: ur not funny

Me: ik......... I'm fucking HILARIOUS!!!!

Brenda: Yo what does this have to do with sociology?

Me: were being social while talking about a very common topic...

Jesús: in other words two very sexually deprived teens trying to cope with not getting laid?

Me: Jesús if anyone sexually deprived its ur ass

Jesús: damn I just got roasted

Brenda: bro chill fam.

Me: I'm cool I'm cool

Dania: yo I'm tryna to play Kahoot here

Me: Dania where Have u been all this time.

Dania: doing kahoot, u should do it too we do have the midterm test right after this for this class ya know

Me: dude I gotta a D last advisory and I don't do shit in this class, like why would I start know?

Dania: because it'll bring ur GPA down Kenzie!!

Me: But idc I have a 3.9 cuz I get A's and One B+ which really should be an a....... damn math class...... plus I didn't sign up for this stupid shit like what even is sociology bruh?

Dania: well it's-

Me: don't answer that please.


Jesús: Bruh idk ANYONE signed up for this bullshit cuz remember before school started we all were supposed to have an art class during this period but the lady got laid off

Me: yea! And I freaking had financial planning during 4th but I switched out the moment I set foot in that class.

Jesús: yea ik u abandoned me

Me: dude forgive me already, I ain't taking that class, I have a mom for that reason.

Jesús: what ur mommy's gonna do ur taxes for ya?

Me: nah she already teaching me the basics for tax refunds, insurance plans, ya know GOOD CREDIT.

Jesús: yea ur moms smart

Me: ik she's my mom.

Morgan: is everyone ready the test is about to start

Me: *play hunger games tune on blast* DO DO DO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Jesús:...........ur high

Me: mommas boy

Jesús: leave her out of this *blushes*

Brenda: good luck guys

Everyone: same

Me: may the odds be ever in you favor

*Whole entire class starts laughing*

Yep this is what pretty much happens during 2nd period in sociology........ god I hate that class ✌️

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